Young Adult Friends (YAF) is a community of Quakers, age 18-35, throughout the PYM area and beyond. We are at different places on our journeys, and we come together for fellowship, rejuvenation, and to deepen our connection to one another & the Spirit.
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The Young Adult Friends program supports the spiritual vitality and community of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM) by creating programming specifically for young adult Friends (age 18-35-ish), as well as strengthening commitment and involvement of young adult Friends in PYM’s multigenerational community. We advocate for young adults within PYM and Quakerism, provide vision for programming that fosters spiritual fellowship, provide resources to young adults, and support to meetings engaging with young adults. We serve as an anchor for those transitioning into and out of our age range, as well as those living outside PYM’s geographic area who wish to remain connected.
Our weekend Young Adult Friends retreats are for young adults (age 18-35ish) in the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting area and beyond. The gatherings are held quarterly – fall, winter, spring, and a YAF gathering at PYM Annual Sessions in the summer.