Do these words ring true for you? “What can I do? I feel the frustration and pain and want to help, but I’m at a loss of how to do that.” We, on the newly approved Antiracism Collaborative (ARC), have heard your voice, even if it’s a whisper in your heart. We can support the efforts of those who are showing up to lift up the discomfort and the pain and we can continue to support the communities that need our help.
First, we suggest connecting with your meeting. Are they planning anything? If so, join in. For example, Abington Quarter meetings and neighboring houses of worship are holding vigils at 4pm Friday June 5th at their meeting houses/churches/synagogues. If nothing is planned at your meeting, talk about it with some Friends. Together you can plan something.
What about your neighborhood? Are there like-minded neighbors that wish to create signs for your yards, have a candlelight vigil at a certain time on your porches, and so on?
Perhaps some of our white Friends are ready to do some work on yourselves. ARC is planning a resource list for our upcoming PYM web page, but for now, here is a link to “75 Things White People Can Do For Racial Justice” to get you started. This too, while it may not seem as “doing” as some other suggestions, is in fact a worthy action.
The bottom line is we can’t hide our Light under a bushel right now. It’s time for the Quaker faith around equality to be put into practice.