On the 3rd Month, 9th Day 2025, Trenton Monthly Meeting approved a Minute of Solidarity with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex and Asexual (LGBTQIA) Community. A copy of the Minute is shown below.
Minute of Solidarity with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex and Asexual (LGBTQIA) Community
Approved by Trenton Meeting of Friends at Meeting With Attention to Business on 3rd
Month, 9th Day 2025
When a powerful entity like the United States Federal Government targets a group of its own citizens for discrimination, it is the responsibility of all citizens to recognize and resist that anti-democratic action.
“On his first day in office, [this president] signed an executive order attempting to mandate discrimination against transgender people across the federal government and government programs.”
The Quaker Testimonies of Equality and Integrity lead Quakers to treat everyone everywhere as equally precious to God, and to act on what we believe.’
We believe it is wrong to weaponize federal law in order to mandate discrimination against any group of citizens,’ and we reject these attempts at erasure, and express our solidarity with the LGBTQIA community.
“Those who would extinguish freedom have historically targeted the most vulnerable and disregarded in society-those with the fewest allies, the fewest willing to put themselves in harm’s way to defend them, the fewest who see their fate as inextricably bound up with them. To the degree they are successful in isolating the most marginalized, they are emboldened to widen their assault until in the famous and sobering words of Martin Niemoller, ‘There is no one left to speak out.”
Today, those facing the spearhead of this attack are the LGBTQIA community – and in particular, trans people…[a] minority-within-a-minority that does not conform to conventional norms of gender expression and gender identity and who can most easily be ‘othered.”
We of Trenton Monthly Meeting stand in solidarity with trans people and the LGBTQIA Community and reject these attempts to strip trans people of their rights as citizens.
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