Here’s our two-line Annual Sessions re-cap! We had 382 participants of all ages at this year’s annual sessions (an increase over last year’s in-person sessions) and many people made it all happen with joy, thought, and support.
Now, it is time to say thank you.
We couldn’t do it without the help of our volunteers, plenary panelists, keynote presenters, epistle writers, experts on climate, meditation, racism, membership, workshop presenters, land acknowledgment author, and Friends within our wider fellowship of Quaker organizations. Thank you.
We owe passionate thanks to our collaboratives, clerks, pastoral care team, PYM Elders, Friendly Presences, Zoom editor, affinity space and Bible class facilitators, YAF leadership, and all the staff who worked long hours with patience so that programs were offered, tech classes held, workshops run, and plenaries/keynotes supported, data updated, event reminder and news emails sent, graphics created, and Quaker spirit convened. We know that many people worked long hours to make sure that walk-ins and last-minute schedule changes were welcomed with a sense of joyful connection. Those long hours built our community.
Finally, we couldn’t hold sessions without Friends. Thank you for being part of the Quaker journey.