- Read and listen to poets who have come before, from Rumi to the Psalms to Ada Limon, Mary Oliver and others.
- Write during the workshop in response to mindful writing prompts, with the option to read aloud.
- Support positively others’ explorations of words and metaphors, and receive support.
- Explore writing and reading practices that can deepen your everyday connection to Spirit as you understand Spirit.
Poetry as Spiritual Practice – FGC eRetreat
- Read and listen to poets who have come before, from Rumi to the Psalms to Ada Limon, Mary Oliver and others.
- Write during the workshop in response to mindful writing prompts, with the option to read aloud.
- Support positively others’ explorations of words and metaphors, and receive support.
- Explore writing and reading practices that can deepen your everyday connection to Spirit as you understand Spirit.
Poetry as Spiritual Practice – FGC eRetreat
- Read and listen to poets who have come before, from Rumi to the Psalms to Ada Limon, Mary Oliver and others.
- Write during the workshop in response to mindful writing prompts, with the option to read aloud.
- Support positively others’ explorations of words and metaphors, and receive support.
- Explore writing and reading practices that can deepen your everyday connection to Spirit as you understand Spirit.
Online Training for Recording Clerks
Join Philadelphia Yearly Meeting for a virtual Recording Clerks Training on October 11th!
Expand your skills in taking minutes! This training is open to the whole yearly meeting. Whether you’re a current recording clerk, have served in the past, or are simply interested in this session – you are invited.
Facilitated by experienced recording clerks Deborah Haines and Becka Haines Rosenberg, the training will specifically focus on preparing the clerks handling minutes for Philadelphia Yearly Meeting sessions and council meetings, but all are welcome and encouraged.
About the facilitators:
Deborah has served as a recording clerk for both Baltimore Yearly Meeting and Friends General Conference, while Becka has served as a recording clerk for Friends General Conference. Both are active members of Baltimore Yearly Meeting and deeply engaged in the Friends community.
Friends Committee on National Legislation | Lobbying for the World We Seek
The Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Arch Street Friends) welcomes fellow PYM F/friends to participate in its virtual Adult Education Series on Zoom.
About the Lecture & Speaker
The Friends Committee on National Legislation has a long history of social advocacy on Capitol Hill, but how are Friends called to influence our government today?
Just over 80 years ago, Friends started FCNL and became the first registered religious lobbying organization in the country. Today, with a team of expert lobbyists and coalition partners, grassroots networks from across the country, and the input of hundreds of Quaker communities at the start of every new congress, FCNL faithfully works to create the World We Seek. Grounded in a vision to bring about a more peaceful, equitable, and sustainable world, that legacy continues to guide our prophetic work within the federal government.
Join us to hear from Micah MacColl Nicholson, Program Associate for Quaker Engagement on the past and present of FCNL’s advocacy.
Micah MacColl Nicolson is the Program Associate for Quaker Engagement at the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL). An attender of Friends Meeting of Washington and alumna of Earlham College, she joined FCNL in 2023 as part of the Young Adult Program Assistant fellowship through a calling to help welcome more F/friends into the work being done in Washington, DC. She works to advocate for Quaker voices within our nation’s legislative processes and strengthen relationship with established and new Quaker communities across the country.
All are welcome! No prior registration required. Please note that the Zoom link for the event will go live on archstreetfriends.org/calendar the day of the event.
About MMFP’s Adult Education Series
The Adult Education Committee at Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Arch Street Friends) hosts a monthly series of Zoom talks on Quaker topics of particular relevance to meeting members and attenders. For a full slate of upcoming lectures, visit archstreetfriends.org/calendar.
Inaara Shiraz | Inclusion & Belonging in Quakerism
The Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Arch Street Friends) welcomes fellow PYM F/friends to participate in its virtual Adult Education Series on Zoom.
About the Lecture & Speaker
What are the ways that Quaker meetings can think expansively about inclusivity? How might Friends welcome spiritual seekers and support members of their own communities with a broad spectrum of needs? During this program facilitated by Inaara Shiraz, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting’s Inclusion and Belonging Coordinator, we will explore ways in which Friends can center ourselves in the practice of inclusivity and belonging. We will explore the topics of community building and engaging with each other through a framework of love.
Inaara Shiraz (she/her) serves as the Inclusion and Belonging Coordinator as part of the Program and Religious Life (PRL) Team in the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. In her role, Inaara supports diversity, inclusion, and belonging efforts within the yearly meeting and supports the community of young adult Friends. She is an attender at Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting.
All are welcome! No prior registration required. Please note that the Zoom link for the event will go live on archstreetfriends.org/calendar the day of the event.
About MMFP’s Adult Education Series
The Adult Education Committee at Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Arch Street Friends) hosts a monthly series of Zoom talks on Quaker topics of particular relevance to meeting members and attenders. For a full slate of upcoming lectures, visit archstreetfriends.org/calendar.
Andrew Anderson | Faith and Practice
The Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Arch Street Friends) welcomes fellow PYM F/friends to participate in its virtual Adult Education Series on Zoom.
About the Lecture & Speaker
The Religious Society of Friends publication Faith and Practice captures the religious experience of its community through personal experiences and extracted testimonies (its “faith”), as well as the corporal methods of being a religious organization (its “practice”). How do Quakers use this book, which is periodically updated by Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, for guidance? And in what way are the faiths and customs of a meeting more expansive than what is written? Andrew Anderson, a member of our meeting’s Worship and Ministry Committee, will speak about Faith and Practice‘s history and current use.
Andrew Anderson is a member of the Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Arch Street Friends) and the executive director of the Friends Rehabilitation Program, a Quaker-related Philadelphia non-profit whose mission is to provide housing and social services for low and moderate income households.
All are welcome! No prior registration required. Please note that the Zoom link for the event will go live on archstreetfriends.org/calendar the day of the event.
About MMFP’s Adult Education Series
The Adult Education Committee at Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Arch Street Friends) hosts a monthly series of Zoom talks on Quaker topics of particular relevance to meeting members and attenders. For a full slate of upcoming lectures, visit archstreetfriends.org/calendar.
Pamela Moore | Anthony Benezet: 18th-Century Philadelphia Quaker Abolitionist
The Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Arch Street Friends) welcomes fellow PYM F/friends to participate in its virtual Adult Education Series on Zoom.
About the Lecture & Speaker
Anthony Benezet was a French-born American Quaker active in Philadelphia in the 18th century. An influential voice for abolition in the U.S. and Britain during that time, Benezet was a pioneer in equal education for women and black population. Presenter Pamela Moore, who first became interested in Benezet while researching Quakers and slavery, will present his story as drawn from his writings and actions, both which were firmly grounded in his Quaker faith.
Pamela Moore is a longtime member of the Religious Society of Friends, currently a member of Pittsburgh Friends Meeting and Erie Worship Group. She has a love of history and wrote the application for the historical marker for Anthony Benezet, which is placed at 3rd & Chestnut Streets in Philadelphia.
All are welcome! No prior registration required. Please note that the Zoom link for the event will go live on archstreetfriends.org/calendar the day of the event.
About MMFP’s Adult Education Series
The Adult Education Committee at Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Arch Street Friends) hosts a monthly series of Zoom talks on Quaker topics of particular relevance to meeting members and attenders. For a full slate of upcoming lectures, visit archstreetfriends.org/calendar.
Building a Meaningful and Connected Life – FGC eRetreat
The Building a Meaningful and Connected Life eRetreat delves into the profound spirituality of meaning-making, resilience, renewal, and life transitions. Through contemplative practices and insightful discussions, we navigate the rich tapestry of growing older at any age, embracing its spiritual gifts across the lifespan. Join us as we explore the depths of personal growth, connection, and purpose, fostering a deeper understanding of what it means to lead a truly meaningful and connected life.
Sessions is Coming! A Look at November 11 & the Future
Friends of all ages are encouraged to attend Fall Continuing Sessions on November 11. Throughout the day, the current Sessions theme, “Living with our neighbors, Growing into beloved community,” will be centered in our worship, fellowship, youth programs, and the business of the yearly meeting. We’re also sharing a preview of Sessions in 2024 and how a shift in this summer’s Annual Sessions creates new opportunities in the coming year.
[Read more…] about Sessions is Coming! A Look at November 11 & the Future