Mystic Friends is a spiritual group formed under the care of Newtown Square Friends Meeting to create a safe community to share and explore mystical experiences in a wide variety of settings. Quakerism, at its heart, is a mystical religion, but many are reluctant to share their mystical experiences out of concern that they may not be welcomed in a warm and supportive manner. Our goal is to encourage the sharing and discussion of mystical experiences in the setting of an old Friends Meeting House.
Quaker Values
Mystic Friends Meeting
Mystic Friends is a spiritual group formed under the care of Newtown Square Friends Meeting, to create a safe community to share and explore mystical experiences in a wide variety of settings. Quakerism, at its heart, is a mystical religion, but many are reluctant to share their mystical experiences out of concern that they may not be welcomed in a warm and supportive manner. Our goal is to encourage the sharing and discussion of mystical experiences in the setting of an old Friends Meeting House.
Inaara Shiraz | Inclusion & Belonging in Quakerism
The Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Arch Street Friends) welcomes fellow PYM F/friends to participate in its virtual Adult Education Series on Zoom.
About the Lecture & Speaker
What are the ways that Quaker meetings can think expansively about inclusivity? How might Friends welcome spiritual seekers and support members of their own communities with a broad spectrum of needs? During this program facilitated by Inaara Shiraz, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting’s Inclusion and Belonging Coordinator, we will explore ways in which Friends can center ourselves in the practice of inclusivity and belonging. We will explore the topics of community building and engaging with each other through a framework of love.
Inaara Shiraz (she/her) serves as the Inclusion and Belonging Coordinator as part of the Program and Religious Life (PRL) Team in the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. In her role, Inaara supports diversity, inclusion, and belonging efforts within the yearly meeting and supports the community of young adult Friends. She is an attender at Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting.
All are welcome! No prior registration required. Please note that the Zoom link for the event will go live on the day of the event.
About MMFP’s Adult Education Series
The Adult Education Committee at Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Arch Street Friends) hosts a monthly series of Zoom talks on Quaker topics of particular relevance to meeting members and attenders. For a full slate of upcoming lectures, visit
John Woolman: An Early Quaker Abolitionist
Charles Bruder, Director of the Woolman Memorial, will share stories from the life of John Woolman, who was an 18th century Quaker, a man of peace and disciple of Christ. He identified slavery as the major issue of his day and provided an example of non-participation: he refused to write wills, bills of sale, or any other document that perpetuated slavery.
Woolman boycotted all products associated with slave labor including tobacco, silver, rum, sugar, and dye. A resident of Mt. Holly, he travelled to speak with Friends, including early members of Haddonfield Friends Meeting, and encouraged them to manumit all Africans they held in bondage.
Meeting for Worship begins at 10 AM, followed by the program about 11:15 AM,
AFSC Seeks Corporation/Board Clerk – Call for Nominations!
The American Friends Service Committee is seeking a new presiding clerk of the Corporation and the Board of Directors to begin service in April 2023 on approval of the AFSC Corporation. We are asking everyone in the Quaker and AFSC communities to help identify potential nominees who can serve in this important leadership role in AFSC during a challenging and exciting period in the organization’s history.
[Read more…] about AFSC Seeks Corporation/Board Clerk – Call for Nominations!