On Saturday, October 12th, the three councils that support Philadelphia Yearly Meeting—Quaker Life Council, Administrative Council, and Nominating Council—held their first meeting in a new joint format. In this structure, all three councils meet together as one Joint Council to worship, discern, and conduct business collaboratively. A key feature in the joint format is the approval of minutes during the meeting. This allows the Joint Council to share the minutes in a news story with the PYM community in the week following the meeting.
Peace & Social Justice
Providence Friends Meeting 340th Anniversary
There will be a short program from 11:00–11:30 a.m., followed by a Treasure Map Tour and a garden lunch. Rain means the inside garden! Everyone will receive a “treasure map” to use to visit different displays throughout the meetinghouse and grounds. Highlights include our Underground Railroad “station,” the work we are doing to mitigate the effects of climate change, and our ongoing efforts to promote peace and racial justice.
Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting on “Going Veggie” and Using “Creating a Playbook for Climate Action”
Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting has embraced a new initiative to support climate action by “going veggie” on the third Sunday of each month. This meeting-wide project is the result of collaboration between the Climate Action and Hospitality Committees, reflecting a shared commitment to addressing climate change.
Sarah Whitman, a member of both committees at Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting, shared her perspective and the behind-the-scenes on this new initiative. “Last spring, we started a Climate Action Committee to help the meeting address climate change,” Sarah shared. “There have been individual leadings and practices related to climate change, but not a project that the whole meeting does together. I happen to be a member of both Hospitality and the Climate Action Committee, so I felt like this was an opportunity for synergy between those two committees.”
Answer the Call: Share How Your Meeting is Engaging for Election Day
As Election Day, November 5th, approaches, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting is asking members and monthly meetings to share how they are preparing and engaging Friends and their communities. From participating in the election efforts to spirit-led discussions. Friends are called to act, and PYM wants to hear how your meeting is living out that call. Whether your meeting is doing voter registration drives, holding discussions on community responsibility, or engaging in prayerful reflection, let us know what Friends are doing near you to inspire and mobilize your region for the upcoming election!
[Read more…] about Answer the Call: Share How Your Meeting is Engaging for Election Day
Young Friends Peace Fair and Overnight!
All Young Friends (grades 8 to 12) are invited to the 24th Annual Peace Fair and Overnight at Buckingham Meeting/Buckingham Friends School in Lahaska, PA!
The Peace Fair features local crafts, artwork, traditional and vegetarian food, kids’ games, a dunk tank, and Bucks County area non-profits that focus on peace, community service, healthy living, and the environment.
Young Friends arrive at 8:00 AM on Saturday morning, September 21st and serve as volunteers for the Peace Fair, helping with tasks such as set-up and clean-up, running kids’ games, and food preparation and service. Young Friends will also have the opportunity to explore Peddler’s Village during their break.
Following the clean-up of the Fair, Young Friends will join together for a pizza party and overnight at Buckingham Meeting. There will be an opportunity for community building, conversation, worship, and fun. The overnight will end on Sunday morning, September 22nd, following Meeting for Worship with Buckingham Friends. Bring a friend!
NOTE: All participants must have a copy of the PYM Health/Permission form for 2024-2025 on file with youth staff.
For more information, please contact Kristin Simmons, PYM Youth Engagement Coordinator: ksimmons@pym.org
Salem Quarter IAC Minute of Unity Refuting the 1626 Schagen Letter
We stand in support of Lenape leaders refuting Pieter Schaghen’s 1626 letter to the Dutch West India Company, which mentions a supposed purchase of the Island of Manhattan, approximately 22,000 acres, in a trade for goods contemporarily valued around $24. We find this alleged purchase to be myth-based and causative of historical and ongoing harm. Thus, we stand in unity with Chief Urie Ridgeway (Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape, Bridgeton NJ), Chief Dwaine Perry (Ramapough Lenape, Mahway NJ), and Brent Stonefish (Munsee-Delaware, Ontario CA).
Our discernment, grounded in experiences and respect for the Lenape People, acknowledges that they have their own systems of rules, laws, and ways of living beyond spirituality; their lifeways govern Lenape society with a deep cultural stewardship of Mother Earth, making the concept of owning land inconceivable. Furthermore, the Lenape are a matriarchal society where matters of importance are overseen by women. However, Schaghen’s letter lacks any evidence of a matriarchal voice, an oral treaty, a wampum belt, a written treaty, or signatories, all of which were customary cultural practices of the time.
Today, the Dutch West India Company is recognized as a trade company which included the slave trade. These enslavers established a feudal system in Lenapehoking, granting land to colonists who brought 50 individuals to this land, thereby marginalizing Lenape voices, creating myths about the original people of this land, and commodifying the land, Mother Earth.
Early contact with Western European diseases is estimated to have reduced the Lenape population by 90-95 percent. Despite surviving massacres, forced removals from Lenapehoking, restrictions on cultural lifeways, forced assimilation, and the removal of children to Indian Boarding Schools and child welfare systems, the Lenape Nations endure and are still here.
Therefore, Salem Quarter (NJ) finds The Schaghen Letter to be a tenacious untruth that has contributed to subsequent historical and ongoing contemporary myth-based harms endured by the original people of Lenapehoking and widespread practices that continue to impact Indigenous People of Turtle Island, as well as other colonized lands. We hear the Lenape leadership, both those who have been removed and those who have remained, seeking inclusion and equity.
To this measure, we, Salem Quarter (NJ) Religious Society of Friends, seek the following, with accountability:
• Recognition of the diverse gifts of Spirit within all creation.
• Relationship building with the original inhabitants of this land, Lenapehoking.
• Harmony, living and honoring all life by stewarding Lenapehoking.
• Mutually beneficial decision-making with Lenape Nations.
• Restoration with and for Lenape Nations/People on whose homeland we benefit.
Presented by the Indian Affairs Committee to Salem Quarter, 9th day Sixth Mo. 2024, Lower Alloways Creek Meetinghouse; accepted and approved by Salem Quarterly Meeting 9th day Sixth Mo. 2024
IAC’s Backstory:
After reading The Schaghen Letter, we queried: From whose point of view was this letter written; to understand this event more completely, what information is needed; how does this account shape what we understand about the land exchange that took place on Manhattan in 1626? We further read Lenapehoking: The Tenacious Myth of the Purchase of Manhattan and we reflected on personal conversations with Chief Urie “Fox Sparrow” Ridgeway (Nanticoke-Lenape) about their Lenape constituency trip to Amsterdam, Autumn 2023.
We stand in support of Lenape leaders refuting Pieter Schagen’s 1626 letter to the Dutch West India Company, which mentions a supposed purchase of the Island of Manhattan, approximately 22,000 acres, in a trade for goods contemporarily valued around $24. We find this alleged purchase to be myth-based and causative of historical and ongoing harm. Thus, we stand in unity with Chief Urie Ridgeway (Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape, Bridgeton NJ), Chief Dwaine Perry (Ramapough Lenape, Mahway NJ), and Brent Stonefish (Munsee-Delaware, Ontario CA).
Too Queer to Be Quaker: The Limits of Liberal Quaker Inclusion of Lesbian and Gay People during the Cold War and Today
October 7, 2024, 7:30pm-9pm Eastern Time (US & Canada) on campus and via Zoom: A First Monday Lecture with Brian Blackmore
Before the gay rights movement gained momentum in the early 1960s, a few very small assemblies of Quakers publicly supported lesbian and gay people ahead of all other religious groups. Most Quakers in the mid-twentieth century, however, did not accept gay and lesbian sexuality, support same-sex partnerships, or attempt to create a sense of belonging for gay and lesbian people in their meetings. This lecture will describe the harm done by Friends in the 1950s towards gay and lesbian people, highlighting the Cold War era attitudes which reinforced the marginalization of gay and lesbian people in the Quaker world. We will also examine the limits of Quaker inclusion today and speculate about the transformation that is needed in the Religious Society of Friends to be more welcoming of the widest possible spectrum of human experience with gender and sexuality.
Brian Blackmore is the Director of Quaker Engagement at the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), where he works to build enduring relationships between AFSC and Quaker faith communities, Friends schools, and Quaker organizations worldwide. Before coming to AFSC, Brian was the Religious Studies Department Chair and Quaker Worship and Spiritual Life Coordinator at Westtown School. He holds a PhD in Religious Studies from Temple University with a research focus on the role that Quakers played in the advancement of gay rights during the mid-twentieth century. Brian is a member of Gainesville Monthly Meeting (Southeastern Yearly Meeting).
Abington Quarterly Meeting: Sharing How Spirit is Moving in Our Quaker Meetings
Join us on Sunday, May 5, 2024 for Abington Quarterly Meeting – either in person or by Zoom. Our hosts are Gwynedd Friends Meeting at 1101 DeKalb Pike, Gwynedd, PA 19454. Zoom link is on the event page.
In keeping with our theme, “How Spirit is Moving in Our Meetings” – the host’s program features Dr. Ayesha Imani and Phil Lord to speak to us about Ujima Friends Center and Ujima Friends Meeting.
The AQM May 5, 2024 event page linked here and below has the Zoom Link, Quarter business documents, program material and links, and information on childcare.
8:15 AM Coffee and Bagels
8:30 AM Spirit led Quarterly Business
9:30 AM Meeting for Worship with Gwynedd
10:30 AM Vital Quarter updates
11:30 AM Ujima Friends Peace Center Presentation
12:15 PM Pot Luck Lunch Provided by Gwynedd
Gwynedd Friends have planned fabulous hospitality, with a potluck meal, childcare, and Quaker Youth program on Environmental Stewardship.
Friends across the Quarter will be sharing what is happening in their meetings, and there is ALOT of great activity!
You do not want to miss this gathering!
Four times a year, Abington Quarterly Meeting brings together Friends from Quaker meetings across our area – to share, learn, and support common interests and leadings. When we gather at quarterly meetings, we nurture Quaker life. Intervisitation is a valued practice that allows for expansive understanding, collaborations and exchange of ideas.
The Quaker meetings in the Abington Quarter include: Abington – Byberry – Gwynedd – Horsham – Norristown – Plymouth – Richland – Unami – Upper Dublin.
Visitors are Welcome!
Active Peace: Breathing and Living the Peace Testimony in Times of Unrest
Apr 13, 2024, 1:00-6:00pm
Standard Price – $100
Subsidizing Price – $125
Subsidized Price – $75If the subsidized price is financially inaccessible, please wait to register and first apply for financial assistance by using the link on the event page.
Quakers have always been called to be arbiters of peace and truth in times of societal confusion and unrest. And since the beginning, it has been pivotal to the spiritual tradition to be in accountable community while ushering in a more peaceful world.
In this workshop, we will explore the ways that Quakerism has influenced parts of society to embody and champion peace and how individuals, communities, and movements can influence Quakers to continue to evolve our way of thinking and acting to make the journey towards the beloved community a tangible reality.
Using Martin Luther King, Jr.’s work, research, and philosophy, participants can expect to deepen their own understanding and commitment to the peace testimony and explore new ways to live out peace in their homes, meetings, and communities.
Moore Research Fellowship at Swarthmore College
Calling all scholars of Quaker history, Peace history, and allied topics! Swarthmore College Special Collections is now accepting applications for our Moore Research Fellowship for the 2023-2024 cycle. [Read more…] about Moore Research Fellowship at Swarthmore College