This week has brought many changes our country, including ones that are out of alignment with Friends testimonies and the way we walk in the world. The PYM community and governance are actively listening and responding.
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Partnership with Church World Service
In October, PYM announced a new partnership with Church World Service (CWS) as a covenant member. During the recent Joint Council meeting, Clerk Nikki Mosgrove led a discussion on PYM’s new relationship with CWS, a national faith-based organization focused on just and sustainable responses to hunger, poverty, displacement, and disaster. This partnership allows PYM to nominate board members and collaborate closely on CWS’s work, although it holds no voting rights. CWS extended this invitation to deepen the connection, reflecting their commitment to building impactful relationships. The council plans to review this partnership at a future session to assess its impact.
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Upcoming Grant Deadlines: December 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025
Funds are available for outreach, traveling for interfaith dialog, service, or ministry, Indigenous people and communities, and more. Apply today!
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Be the First to Shape A Virtual Platform for PYM Friends | PYM Connect
A ministry of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting is to keep the body interconnected, and the virtual tools available allow Friends to share their messages and connect faster. PYM staff are finding and providing new resources across the yearly meeting community to help keep connected. Friends no longer have to wait for an event or session; they will be able to connect anytime and anywhere, and PYM is looking for participants to provide input on an online platform.
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Providence Friends Meeting 340th Anniversary
There will be a short program from 11:00–11:30 a.m., followed by a Treasure Map Tour and a garden lunch. Rain means the inside garden! Everyone will receive a “treasure map” to use to visit different displays throughout the meetinghouse and grounds. Highlights include our Underground Railroad “station,” the work we are doing to mitigate the effects of climate change, and our ongoing efforts to promote peace and racial justice.
Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting on “Going Veggie” and Using “Creating a Playbook for Climate Action”
Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting has embraced a new initiative to support climate action by “going veggie” on the third Sunday of each month. This meeting-wide project is the result of collaboration between the Climate Action and Hospitality Committees, reflecting a shared commitment to addressing climate change.
Sarah Whitman, a member of both committees at Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting, shared her perspective and the behind-the-scenes on this new initiative. “Last spring, we started a Climate Action Committee to help the meeting address climate change,” Sarah shared. “There have been individual leadings and practices related to climate change, but not a project that the whole meeting does together. I happen to be a member of both Hospitality and the Climate Action Committee, so I felt like this was an opportunity for synergy between those two committees.”
We Invite You to Join a PYM Granting Group!
Granting groups are a very meaningful part of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM), and each group is thankful for the volunteers who give their time and effort as granting group members. PYM Friends are encouraged to join a granting group to have the opportunity to practice philanthropy through discernment and to be part of distributing grants on behalf of all of PYM’s members.
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Death Café at Arch Street Meeting (MMFP)
The Care and Funeral and Interment committees at Arch Street (Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia) recently organized a two-part Death Café series for our members and attenders. Its purpose was to talk openly about death, facing our own mortality and how to make the most our lives going forward, as well as to provide useful information on end of life planning. The first session was modeled on the popular “Death Café” concept which began in France and England. Similar to worship sharing, this is a safe and confidential space to express fears, hopes and misgivings about death and dying. The topics of community, family dynamics, end of life planning, financial and legal issues were touched on during this session. In addition, Friends learned much about each other and about how our beliefs and traditions can honor our wishes and preferences for a memorial service in the manner of Friends.
In the second part of the series, useful information and forms were shared. Most importantly, Friends were urged to write a will. (PYM’s website provides a very useful resource from Faith and Practice: A Checklist for the Settlement of All Outward Affairs.) MMFP has a form called “Planning for Death and Burial Arrangements” which meeting members can fill out and file at home and have another copy stored at the meeting house in the care of the Funerals and Interments committee. This document is a vital part of leaving our affairs in order so that family members do not have to struggle to make decisions for their departed loved one and they can find all the pertinent details in one place. Other forms such as a medical directive, power of attorney, medical durable power of attorney were made available. Lastly, the clerk of Funerals and Interments gave a short presentation on the Friends Southwestern Burial Ground, which is available for green burials and welcomes all faiths in its park-like setting.
Friends who attended one or both Death Café sessions were grateful for the opportunity to learn and share with other members and attenders about this important topic. MMFP hopes to make this effort every few years and encourages other monthly meetings to do so. If your monthly meeting would like a copy of our planning document, or would like to know more about how we organized our two-part series, please be in touch.
Submitted by Sandra Williams, Clerk of Care committee, MMFP and Mike Kachur, Clerk of Funerals and Interments, MMFP
Abington Quarterly Meeting: Sharing How Spirit is Moving in Our Quaker Meetings
Join us on Sunday, May 5, 2024 for Abington Quarterly Meeting – either in person or by Zoom. Our hosts are Gwynedd Friends Meeting at 1101 DeKalb Pike, Gwynedd, PA 19454. Zoom link is on the event page.
In keeping with our theme, “How Spirit is Moving in Our Meetings” – the host’s program features Dr. Ayesha Imani and Phil Lord to speak to us about Ujima Friends Center and Ujima Friends Meeting.
The AQM May 5, 2024 event page linked here and below has the Zoom Link, Quarter business documents, program material and links, and information on childcare.
8:15 AM Coffee and Bagels
8:30 AM Spirit led Quarterly Business
9:30 AM Meeting for Worship with Gwynedd
10:30 AM Vital Quarter updates
11:30 AM Ujima Friends Peace Center Presentation
12:15 PM Pot Luck Lunch Provided by Gwynedd
Gwynedd Friends have planned fabulous hospitality, with a potluck meal, childcare, and Quaker Youth program on Environmental Stewardship.
Friends across the Quarter will be sharing what is happening in their meetings, and there is ALOT of great activity!
You do not want to miss this gathering!
Four times a year, Abington Quarterly Meeting brings together Friends from Quaker meetings across our area – to share, learn, and support common interests and leadings. When we gather at quarterly meetings, we nurture Quaker life. Intervisitation is a valued practice that allows for expansive understanding, collaborations and exchange of ideas.
The Quaker meetings in the Abington Quarter include: Abington – Byberry – Gwynedd – Horsham – Norristown – Plymouth – Richland – Unami – Upper Dublin.
Visitors are Welcome!
Asma’s First FGC Gathering Story
May 19, 2023
by Joan Botto, (first published on the Friends General Conference website)
Asma arrived at her first Gathering in 2022 after driving 10 hours with Friends from her monthly meeting in Florida to Radford University in Virginia. [Read more…] about Asma’s First FGC Gathering Story