Join us on Sunday, March 30th for a presentation from Ainsley Bruton, AFSC’s Quaker Engagement Coordinator, about AFSC’s work to promote peace and justice around the world. Ainsley will share some information about AFSC’s economic activism, efforts to de-militarize police forces, peacemaking in Palestine and Israel, immigration justice, and more. Ainsley will also be connecting with Friends to learn more about peace and justice work being done at Gwynedd Friends.
AFSC Presentation at Swarthmore Meeting
Join friends at Swarthmore Friends Meeting on Sunday, January 19th for a presentation from Ainsley Bruton, AFSC’s Quaker Engagement Coordinator, about AFSC’s work to promote peace and justice around the world. Ainsley will share information about AFSC’s food justice activism, efforts to de-militarize police forces, peacemaking in the Middle East, AFSC’s social change leadership program for young adults, and more. Ainsley will also be connecting with Friends to learn more about peace and justice work being done at Swarthmore.
Israel and Palestine Two States – One Homeland
Understanding the roots of and possible solutions to the Israeli Palestinian Conflict is important as Quakers continue their long history of working for lasting peace in the area.
Quaker Action for Ending Apartheid
Join us for a workshop focused on getting your community to take action to end Israeli apartheid. You’ll learn the foundations of Israeli apartheid, hear all about our Apartheid-Free initiative, and practice sharing this information with your community. We’ll also share a bit about the other movement building work which the Palestine Activism Program is engaged with this year.
Presenters: Jennifer Bing and Zoe Jannuzi
Middle East Collaborative Shares Peace Resource
[Read more…] about Middle East Collaborative Shares Peace Resource
Ramallah Friends School Christmas Song
A message from Plymouth Meeting
During Eleventh Month Business Meeting, our Monthly Meeting united in sending in a letter conveying our love and concern for Ramallah Friends Meeting, Friends School and all people of Palestine during this time of violence against the people of Palestine and Israel that has escalated to war in Gaza and continual random violence in the rest of Palestine and Israel. The letters and reply can be found on our website. [Read more…] about Ramallah Friends School Christmas Song
Harrisburg Monthly Meeting Minute on Israel-Palestine conflict
Today 11/12/2023 Harrisburg Monthly Meeting approved the following minute on the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
Nov 12, 2023
The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) testimony on peace, justice, and nonviolence is based in our experience of the divine in all of creation and within all persons:
Thus, we are deeply troubled by the suffering and injustice caused by the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and we are concerned that our government perpetuates that violence by continuing to send billions of dollars of military aid to the region. We affirm the right to self determination for both Israel and Palestine.
We call upon our nation to:
* Work for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza to save precious human life
* Cease sending United States military aid and selling weapons to Israel and work to end military aid and arms sales from all outside countries to all parties in this conflict
* Continue diplomatic efforts with all parties and remain in dialogue even with those who have acted violently
* Work towards a just, comprehensive resolution that allows all people of the region to live in security and equality, and repairs harm that has been done
* Join the international court system and accept its jurisdiction
We call upon all nations to:
* Support efforts based in international law to bring justice, peace, security, and reconciliation to all parties in the conflict
* Take measures to assure that international laws are applied universally
We call upon all individuals and communities to:
* Support and learn from organizations that bring Israelis and Palestinians together for justice and peacemaking.
* Examine how anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, racism, and privilege affect our understanding of the conflict
Adapted from here: