Next week, PYM Connect reaches a new phase as many Friends will start engaging with this online space for the first time. It is a chance for our community to use the platform to share, collaborate, and celebrate among Friends. [Read more…] about PYM Connect Launches Next Phase in Second Week of January
Nikki Mosgrove Begins as Presiding Clerk of PYM
On August 1, 2024, Nikki Mosgrove stepped into the role of Presiding Clerk of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (a collection of 105 Quaker congregations in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania). She is tasked with facilitating business among as . Among unprogrammed Friends, who eschews religious hierarchy, a clerk is the first among equals. Her discernment process in accepting this role involved 30 days of prayer and reflection with people of many different spiritual practices: Presbyterians, Baptists, Nontheists, Pentecostals, and Quakers.
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Upcoming Grant Deadlines: December 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025
Funds are available for outreach, traveling for interfaith dialog, service, or ministry, Indigenous people and communities, and more. Apply today!
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Exploring PYM Connect: Features for Connection and Community
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting is launching a new online community platform, PYM Connect, in January of 2025. PYM Connect is a secure and supportive virtual space to discuss, engage, and grow with PYM Friends. It allows participants to share updates and meaningful news, while also providing a virtual space to connect with other Friends within PYM who share similar ministries and leadings.
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Poetry as Spiritual Practice – FGC eRetreat
- Read and listen to poets who have come before, from Rumi to the Psalms to Ada Limon, Mary Oliver and others.
- Write during the workshop in response to mindful writing prompts, with the option to read aloud.
- Support positively others’ explorations of words and metaphors, and receive support.
- Explore writing and reading practices that can deepen your everyday connection to Spirit as you understand Spirit.
Poetry as Spiritual Practice – FGC eRetreat
- Read and listen to poets who have come before, from Rumi to the Psalms to Ada Limon, Mary Oliver and others.
- Write during the workshop in response to mindful writing prompts, with the option to read aloud.
- Support positively others’ explorations of words and metaphors, and receive support.
- Explore writing and reading practices that can deepen your everyday connection to Spirit as you understand Spirit.
Poetry as Spiritual Practice – FGC eRetreat
- Read and listen to poets who have come before, from Rumi to the Psalms to Ada Limon, Mary Oliver and others.
- Write during the workshop in response to mindful writing prompts, with the option to read aloud.
- Support positively others’ explorations of words and metaphors, and receive support.
- Explore writing and reading practices that can deepen your everyday connection to Spirit as you understand Spirit.
Embracing Spiritual Gifts: Weekend Workshop with Adria Gulizia
Sep 20-22, 2024:
As Friends, we often say that “we are all ministers,” but too rarely do we prepare ourselves to recognize, welcome, and nurture spiritual gifts among us. These gifts aren’t rewards for good behavior but evidence of God’s grace, poured out among us to invite us into love, to encourage us to faith, and to build up the Kingdom of Heaven. They are also a powerful antidote to isolation, polarization, despair, and other deep ills of this troubled moment.. But there is a paradox in spiritual gifting: although the Spirit showers these gifts universally, each one is distinct in the light and the shadow it casts in our lives.
In our time together, we will explore the gifts and roles laid out in Ephesians 4: the gifts of the apostle, the prophet, the evangelist, the shepherd, and the teacher. We will reflect on the blessings and challenges of each and how they manifest among us today, focusing particularly on how we nurture these gifts into flourishing, suppress them into extinction, or twist them into toxicity by the spiritual environments we create in our meetings, churches and organizations. We will also make time to celebrate what the Spirit is doing in ourselves and in each other.
Only by understanding the nature of spiritual gifts can we appreciate that none of us can see God’s will in full. Only by coming together in our differences and creating spaces in which all gifts are welcome can our life together be a testimony to God’s wisdom, God’s righteousness, and–most of all–God’s love.
Adria Gulizia is a lawyer, mediator, teacher, and mother. She carries a concern for how Friends’ traditional faith and practice translate into an increasingly unstable, atomized, and uncertain world. In her ministry activities and in her daily life, Adria is passionate about inviting all into deeper relationship with the Spirit of Christ, which spoke so strongly to early Friends and continues to speak today. She is a member of Chatham-Summit Monthly Meeting (New York Yearly Meeting), the Friends of Jesus Fellowship, and the Board of Advisors of Earlham School of Religion. She has facilitated workshops on a variety of topics, including spiritual gifts, listening as a practice of pastoral care, and Friends’ traditional commitment to the Lamb’s War. Her writing has been published by Friends Journal, Pendle Hill, and Illuminate, a Bible study curriculum written by and for Friends.
Adria is currently collaborating with Joann Neuroth on a course through School of the Spirit called God’s Promise Fulfilled: Encountering and Embodying Grace in the Shadow of Empire. Her blog, “In the Shadow of Babylon,” can be found at
Adria was also recently featured on Pendle Hill’s podcast, The Seed: Conversations for Radical Hope. Listen now to “Inviting Ourselves to Be Challenged” here or wherever you get your podcasts.
Silence & Light for Quaker Newcomers eRetreat
The Silence & Light for Quaker Newcomers eRetreat invites you to explore and practice the experience of Quaker worship and silent waiting, for an inward encounter with Inner Teacher who leads, guides, and transforms us every day. This session is offered for people who are curious about Quakers or new to Quakerism and will explore the basics of Quaker theology and practice.
“This eRetreat has been a gentle reminder to ‘wait to feel the Spirit’ and listen more closely for it….This was a perfect combination of a mini retreat, communal sharing and learning experience.” – Spiritual Deepening eRetreat participant
eRetreat Details:
- Offered July 18th through August 15th, 2024
- Five weeks, $45 pay-as-led** participation fee
- Weekly readings, queries, resources, and activities available on FGC’s eRetreat website
- Community Building Calls: Thursdays from 7:30-9pm Eastern / 4:30-6pm Pacific starting July 18th.
Silence & Light for Quaker Newcomers eRetreat
The Silence & Light for Quaker Newcomers eRetreat invites you to explore and practice the experience of Quaker worship and silent waiting, for an inward encounter with Inner Teacher who leads, guides, and transforms us every day. This session is offered for people who are curious about Quakers or new to Quakerism and will explore the basics of Quaker theology and practice.
“This eRetreat has been a gentle reminder to ‘wait to feel the Spirit’ and listen more closely for it….This was a perfect combination of a mini retreat, communal sharing and learning experience.” – Spiritual Deepening eRetreat participant
eRetreat Details:
- Offered July 18th through August 15th, 2024
- Five weeks, $45 pay-as-led** participation fee
- Weekly readings, queries, resources, and activities available on FGC’s eRetreat website
- Community Building Calls: Thursdays from 7:30-9pm Eastern / 4:30-6pm Pacific starting July 18th.