The upcoming workshop, Clean Energy Policy Throwdown, will be one of the options at the Climate Witness: Let Our Actions Speak! Thread Gathering on March 22nd. Facilitated by Quaker Action Mid-Atlantic Region (QAMAR), it will give participants the opportunity to learn about clean energy policy efforts across the PYM region and how Friends can get involved to improve public policy at the state and local level. The workshop will also explore how climate action has shifted to state and local levels. [Read more…] about Quaker Action Mid-Atlantic Region: A Call to Climate Witness | PYM Thread Gathering
faith-based advocacy
Minute of Support for PYM from London Grove Monthly Meeting
February 16, 2025 Minute of Support for PYM
London Grove Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends is in unity with the decision of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting et al. to join the lawsuit to block the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in its sudden policy shift. This shift would enable federal immigration agents to enter places of worship for their immigration enforcement actions.
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Minute of Support from Princeton Monthly Meeting
Princeton Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends acknowledges that every person brings the Holy Spirit to worship; the absence of even one person because of fear prevents us from fully practicing our faith. Therefore, we commend and support Philadelphia Yearly Meetings decision to bring suit against the Department of Homeland Security along with Baltimore Yearly Meeting New England Yearly Meeting, New York Yearly Meeting, several monthly meetings and other religious organizations to Richmond, New England, New York, and Adelphi Yearly Meetings in the Quaker Suit.
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Downers Grove Friends Meeting (Illinois) Approves Minute in Support of the Lawsuits
Minute in support of Litigation filed against the Department of Homeland Security
February 2025
Minute from Atlantic City Area Monthly Meeting
The Atlantic City Area Monthly Meeting offers support, gratitude, and Light to the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting for its lawsuit, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends et al. v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Kristi Noem.
The Atlantic City Area Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends fully supports Philadelphia Yearly Meeting for the courage and conviction shown in joining other Monthly Meetings as plaintiffs ni bringing a lawsuit to block the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from its abrupt shift in policy that enables federal immigration enforcement officials to enter houses of worship for their immigration enforcement actions.
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Schuylkill Friends Meeting Minute of Support
Schuylkill Friends Meeting
Minute of Support for Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
2nd Month, 2025
Schuylkill Friends Meeting would like to offer our support and thank the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting for taking swift and significant action against the change in policy by the Department of Homeland Security. Since taking office, the Trump Administration has shattered common-sense practices and policies that helped to protect people and allow for a society where everyone can worship in safety.
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A Minute from Bucks Quarterly Meeting
At the February 16, 2025 gathering of Bucks Quarter Friends at Bristol Friends Meeting the following Minute of Support for Philadelphia Yearly Meeting was approved:
Minute of Support from Trenton Monthly Meeting
Minute of Support
Lawsuit PYM, et. al. v Department of Homeland Security
Trenton Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
9 Second Month 2025
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Minute of Support for PYM from Swarthmore Monthly Meeting
On Sunday, February 9, 2025, Swarthmore Meeting approved this minute of support for PYM:
Swarthmore Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends fully supports Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM) for the courage and conviction shown in joining New England Yearly Meeting, Baltimore Yearly Meeting, Adelphi and Richmond Monthly Meetings as plaintiffs in their lawsuit to block the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from its abrupt shift in policy that enables federal immigration enforcement officials to enter houses of worship for their immigration enforcement actions.
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A Minute from Wrightstown Meeting
Dear Christie and Nikki,
At yesterday’s Meeting for Business, Wrightstown Meeting approved the minute below. We welcome you to post it on the PYM website and in other PYM communications.
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