Book discussion – Queen Bess. Meet author Maria Vetrano and discover the themes, insights and challenges of this inventive time travel romp during an election cycle!
Quaker Quests: a second report from Philadelphia
Collected and edited by Gregory Barnes-some 40 Philadelphia Friends share the way they practice Quakerism. A companion volume to Quaker Service which came out in 2022.
Contributors will read aloud some of their text, followed by discussion
Fostering Equality in Everyday Home Life
Lois Volta, Germantown Meeting, wants you to clean your house. Not just for the aesthetic reasons, but for the spiritual and feminist reasons. As she writes, “There will always be something waiting for you to clean up. It’s better to make peace with this concept than to fight it. Let contentment and peace be just as never-ending as the laundry.” [Read more…] about Fostering Equality in Everyday Home Life
Pendle Hill’s Reading Group (April)
Apr 17, 2024
7:00-8:30pm Eastern Time (US & Canada) via Zoom.
Free and open to the public!
Pendle Hill’s Reading Group focuses on Pendle Hill pamphlets and other Quaker readings, gathering to consider queries about the reading in a spirit of worship sharing.
Tom Gates, a beloved pamphlet author, is this year’s Kenneth Carroll Scholar for Biblical and Quaker Studies at Pendle Hill. We will be reading his pamphlet Reclaiming the Transcendent: God in Process (PHP #422). You can purchase a copy of this popular publication at the following links:
PH pamphlet (printed edition)
Amazon Kindle (e-book)
Barnes & Noble Nook (e-book)
Religious Education Resources & Events for Summer 2023
While many meetings take a break in religious education programs during the summer months, there are opportunities during the summertime to connect with families and start to think ahead to next fall. Events and resource suggestions below! Later in June, watch for the Youth Programs staff to share activities for meeting and home in preparation for Annual Sessions, July 26-30. These will be shared for meetings to do over the summer, or send home to families. [Read more…] about Religious Education Resources & Events for Summer 2023
Religious Education Resources and Events for June & July
Happy summertime, Friends! In the coming weeks, children and teens will be done with school and families will shift into summer routines. I’ll be back in touch in August with ideas for looking forward to the Fall, and if you’re ready to start thinking in that direction this planning guide is still a good place to begin this summer. The resources and events offered below for June and July include Juneteenth, FGC’s “YAY!” gathering, and what’s for families and youth at our Annual Sessions. I hope you will pass them along to families and youth in your meetings and communities! [Read more…] about Religious Education Resources and Events for June & July
Religious Education Resources for March & April 2022
A parent in my meeting shared with me that they were not sure how to talk to their children about Russia’s war on Ukraine. I recalled a line in an article that had resonated for me as a parent and educator: We don’t have to protect children from difficult feelings, but we must not leave them alone with them. The Tote Bag newsletter for March/April has many resources and events to share with meetings and families, but these ideas for supporting one another and talking about ways to create peace are perhaps the most important. [Read more…] about Religious Education Resources for March & April 2022