Schuylkill Friends Meeting could best be described as a small Meeting with a big heart and plenty of good intentions. Our core group of Friends are also friends outside of Meeting. There is interest and care shown for each other. As many of us have aged the Meeting has become a touch stone for some – a place to seek a deeper meaning and at times practical care.
We have started a potluck after worship on the 3rd First Day of the month which helps connect newcomers with older friends. In addition, we recently revived the Worship and Ministry committee which offers queries and videos as part of worship. We also just upgraded our audio system so that everyone can hear messages and announcements. We continue to share a newslettter to 116 people and it is read by around 65% of the people. We have had a number of guests and feel that some will eventually stay with us and join in regular worship. We feel positive about these small changes and believe they will help us regain our membership.
Many Friends are disheartened that a large Wawa will be built next door. We fear the noise and traffic will interfere with getting to Meeting and our worship in silence. However, we did agree with the developer on some concessions that should reduce the noise and minimize the sight of the Wawa. It is also a reminder that we are not separate from our community but part of it. During township meetings we were able to remind those present of who Friends are and the part we have played in the community’s history. We also let them know that we play a role in many peoples lives today allowing other community groups to use the meetinghouse. (Note that two anonymous groups and a meditation group use the meetinghouse – 80 to 100 people are in the building every week.)
The number of Friends attending worship has been inconsistent over the past year – sometimes just 9 or 10 and as many as 20. We continue to offer Zoom, but this is used primarily by one Friend who lives out of state. We continue to wear masks out of concern for Friends’ well-being and this has been a topic in Business Meetings. The masks may deter a couple of Friends but most find it a minor inconvenience and are supportive of keeping us all healthy.
We have a couple of young families attending but they have not found a “rythym” on when to bring children. Our hope is to have the families coordinate attendance so we can have First Day School twice a month. The other issue is teachers – we have so few members the parents will have to help for the time being. We are hopeful that eventually we can bring back a full and lively First Day School.
We have had two large donations over the last year and our finances are strong (for a small meeting). We plan to use funds to replace the roof on the meetinghouse and the First Day School. We are also intending to install a ramp to help those who struggle with the steps. There are other repairs needed – a tree that needs to taken down, repair or replace one wall and a door on the First Day School and to repair part of the cap on the graveyard wall.
Respectful submitted,
Megan Connolly, Care & Counsel
Erik Pedersen, clerk
Schuylkill Friends Meeting