To summarize our take of 2021, Makefield Monthly Meeting is aging. We are a small but active Meeting with 6-8 weekly attenders including two young(er) adults. Four members periodically attend adult forum via zoom due to health issues. This of concern as we care deeply about one another and miss their presence when they cannot attend in person.
Meeting starts sharply at 10 AM and after deep worship we close at 10:45 with a reading of the sentiment board and after thoughts. We have light refreshments followed by Adult Forum. Adult Forum topics have included mystical experiences, what Quakers believe, other faith traditions and practices and many others. They are presented by a volunteer and are invariable enlightening and often entertaining. Several times a year we use the Adult Forum time to watch music videos chosen by members and attenders. This is always a favorite.
We currently have 19 members, 2 attenders, and 3 children. We have no children attending Meeting.
Throughout 2021 we have held Meeting for Worship indoors with doors and windows open when seasonable. The space we have, along with our small numbers, allows us to social distance with masks. Adult Forum is held in person and by zoom. Some of us attend worship in person and then go home to join Adult Forum on zoom.
Our Care and Concerns committee continues to meet providing comfort and guidance.
Our young(er) attenders join in and are taking an active role in the Meeting including the role of recording clerk, serving on committees, and leading adult forums.
During the summer, we held a threshing session to determine our strengths and where we can contribute to the Meeting.
Major work projects were completed for the Meetinghouse and Caretaker House in 2020 so 2021 has been focused on humidity, moisture and structural issues for the Caretaker House. Our native plant gardens, installed in 2019 and 2020 are thriving.
A survey was conducted by the joint Makefield/Yardley Graveyard Committee to identify sunken graves and moved grave markers to be corrected in 2022.
Makefield Meeting continues to provide a strong spiritual connection for our members.