Buckingham Monthly Meeting, 2021-2022
Bucks Quarter
As with all Meetings, the unprecedented challenges of 2020 had a significant impact on Buckingham, its members, and our spiritual…
Doylestown Friends Meeting, 2021-2022
Bucks Quarter
During the second year of the global pandemic, Doylestown Meeting continued to adapt to the challenges presented by these unprecedented…
Schuylkill Friends Meeting, 2021-2022
Caln Quarter
Life seems to be divided between Before Covid, During Covid, and Post- Covid. At least we hope we have entered…
Newtown Monthly Meeting, 2021-2022
Bucks Quarter
The COVID-19 pandemic continued to be a central concern within our community. For most of this year we continued to…
Mullica Hill Monthly Meeting, 2021-2022
Salem Quarter
Mullica Hill Friends are renewed with the joy of welcoming many new regular attenders, including a family of three. Each…
Medford Monthly Meeting, 2021-2022
Haddonfield Quarter
Medford Monthly Meeting is currently a Meeting of about 40 active souls, mostly retired, who continue to conduct Meeting affairs…
Lehigh Valley Monthly Meeting, 2021-2022
Bucks Quarter
In July 2021, PYM approved minutes of action to be taken abc anti-racism and climate change. How has your meeting…
Gwynedd Monthly Meeting, 2021-2022
Abington Quarter
Gwynedd Monthly Meeting completed its second year of community in a year of covid in 2021. The prior year had…