Lehigh Valley Monthly Meeting, 2020-2021
Bucks Quarter
In March 2020 LVMM closed its meetinghouse doors and it remains closed for worship. However, the life of our Meeting…
Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting, 2021-2022
Philadelphia Quarter
Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting offers Philadelphia Yearly Meeting a snapshot of our activities in the midst of the continuing COVID19…
Germantown Friends Meeting, 2021-202
Philadelphia Quarter
In July 2021 PYM approved minutes of action to be taken on anti-racism and climate change. How has your meeting…
Green Street Monthly Meeting, 2021-2022
Philadelphia Quarter
● Grateful to stay together through the pandemic in various ways and configurations - virtual meeting, outdoor worship, indoor hybrid…
Millville Monthly Meeting, 2020-2021
Upper Susquehanna
Attending (via Zoom): Jen Hunsinger (Clerk), Pete Doerschler (Recording Clerk), Elaine Graham, Bob Mosteller, Jim Dalton, Carolyn Dalton, Pam Klinger,…
Fallsington Monthly Meeting, 2019-2020
Bucks Quarter
Greetings from Fallsington Friends Monthly Meeting. I’ve divided the year in two parts, pre-pandemic, and post-pandemic. Pre-pandemic, before recommendations and…
Fallsington Monthly Meeting, 2020-2021
Bucks Quarter
How have we sustained our commitment to be a covenant* spiritual community during this past year? Fallsington Monthly Meeting (FMM)…
Woodstown Monthly Meeting, 2021-2022
Salem Quarter
Woodstown Meeting has kept our spiritual community thriving this past year by continuing First Day School, Meeting for Worship, Meeting…