Atlantic City Area Monthly Meeting, 2022-2023
Haddonfield Quarter
The spiritual state of the meeting is sound. We are recovering from loss, but also energized in other ways. We…
Westtown Monthly Meeting, 2022-2023
Concord Quarter
1. In the past year, how has your meeting worked to create and strengthen the reality of a Beloved Community?…
Birmingham Monthly Meeting, 2022-2023
Concord Quarter
In March of 2023 Birmingham Friends Meeting responded to a request from Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM) to develop a Spiritual…
North Branch Monthly Meeting, 2022-23
Upper Susquehanna
Dear Jean-Marie Prestwidge Barch, Clerk, Ministry and Care Committee of Quaker Life Council, In response to your email of 12/2/22,…
Old Haverford Friends Meeting, 2022-2023
Haverford Quarter
The COVID-19 pandemic impacted our meeting in many ways, and we are engaging in ongoing work to strengthen and repair…
Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting, 2022-2023
Philadelphia Quarter
1. In this past year, how has your meeting worked to create and strengthen the reality of a Beloved Community?…
Centre Friends Meeting, 2022-2023
Western Quarter
During the 2021-22 time period Centre focused on ways to keep attenders engaged and safe. Meetings for worship were held…
Germantown Monthly Meeting, 2022-2023
Philadelphia Quarter
We are glad to report that Germantown Monthly Meeting is full of energy and enthusiasm, growing, engaged with our surrounding…