Warm greetings from the Ministry and Care Committee of Quaker Life Council. We trust this communication finds you well, grounded in Spirit and in your community of faith. This a reminder that if you haven’t already sent yours, we would like to receive the Spiritual Life of the Meeting report from your meeting by April 15, 2023. This will give the Ministry and Care Committee ample time to receive and read what you share, and to craft a document describing the Spiritual State of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and send it to the Quaker Life Council in advance of PYM’s Summer Sessions, July 26-30.
As a reminder, here are the queries we proposed:
- In this past year, how has your meeting worked to create and strengthen the reality of a Beloved Community? How has your meeting fostered an environment in which members and attenders of all ages know they are loved, cared for, trusted, and respected?
- How have you sought to be neighbors and in relationship with other communities?
- How has your meeting been called to address issues of racism this past year? What additional concerns and initiatives have your meeting or meeting members been led to address?
- How has the Spirit guided your work on climate change? How has your meeting addressed the five action areas identified in the climate change sprint report? (.pdf) Has your Meeting appointed a Climate Witness Liaison?
- What learnings and yearnings particular to your meeting would you like to share?
- What are things the Yearly Meeting might do to support your meeting?
If these queries do not speak to your condition, please feel free to use the queries found in Faith and Practice (pp.213-14) or to provide us with a narrative that describes your meeting’s spiritual condition at this time.
submit your meeting’s report →
Please also send a copy to the clerk of your Quarterly meeting. Please contact them directly since the Quarter’s deadline may differ.We look forward to hearing how the movement of the Spirit is faring in your meeting.
In the Light, Jean-Marie Prestwidge Barch, Clerk On behalf of the Ministry and Care Committee of Quaker Life Council
Image Credit: Princeton Monthly Meeting