Reading Group Guidelines
Your monthly Reading Group provides you with an avenue for growth on your personal spiritual journey in two ways.
First, the assigned readings are meant to provide you with the thoughts and experiences of the authors for you to use in your journey as you see fit.
Secondly, meeting with others who have done the same readings to discuss them will open your eyes and hearts to your fellow group members’ experiences with the readings. Sometimes their comments will also affect your spiritual journey.
To get the most out of your readings it’s suggested that you:
- Read small chunks of the readings over the month rather than all at once so you have time to absorb it.
- Ask yourself questions about the readings:
What words, ideas or passages mean nothing to me, are confusing to me or are offensive to me?
What parts of the reading resonate with me and make me nod in agreement, making my soul sing?
What parts of the reading nudged me in a new direction, woke me up or humbled me?
- Keep a reading journal so you can share more specifically in your group, thereby deepening what everyone learns in the group.
The readings are not meant to be onerous, but rather were selected for their growth potential. Everyone understands though if you couldn’t read all of the selections for that month. Don’t let not reading all of each selection stop you from going to the reading group. Go anyway as each of you are valuable to the group even as a listener.