Philadelphia Yearly Meeting has several ways to share information online, including our website (calendar events, news stories, and subpages), and newsletters emailed to specific populations of our membership directly or for inclusion in their monthly meeting newsletters. Submit an event via the PYM calendar. Communications staff will prepare it for the appropriate venues.
Submit News for Website
Submit at least 30 days in advance using the Share A Story form.
Event for calendar
Can be sent at any time. Events posted on the calendar will automatically be included in the thread letters for Peace & Social Concerns, First Day School, Worship & Ministry, and Pastoral Care. Submit information by navigating to the PYM calendar.
Current PYM Thread letters include Finance, First Day School, Friends Education, Pastoral Care, Peace & Social Concerns, Worship & Ministry, and Youth. Reports, resources, and non-Quaker events suggested for thread letters need to be submitted by contacting the, Associate Secretary for Program and Religious Life. They will be included in the next threadletter. Thread letters are published in the following, loosely-held schedule: Odd numbered months except July; Communications, Friends Education and Finance are published twice annually.