Organized by topic, listed alphabetically, then chronologically when known (date reflects updated edition).
Because of the material being older, Friends are encouraged to review it for bias and assumption and through the lens of inclusive language. Adaptation may be needed, and is encouraged. There is wonderful material here, created with care — use what serves you!
Faith and Practice
- From the Center Out (for kindergarten to 8th grade, 1999)
- George Fox: Four Lessons (for 7-11 years old)
- God Is… (all ages, 2000)
- Growing in the Light (for pre-K to 1st grade, 1998)
- Growing in the Light (for grades 2-5, 1996)
(see “Older Youth” section below for Growing in the Light curricula for Grades 6-12 and adults) - Obadiah: Four Lessons (for First Day Schools, 1996, by Merril Dutton)
- Quakers Answer the Call (for all ages, 1999)
- Shaking Out the Truth (for K to 12th grade, 1998)
- Teaching Quaker Faith and Practice to Children (for First Day Schools, 1997)
- Teaching the Queries to Quaker Children (for First Day Schools, 2001)
- Truth in Action (for K to high school, 2001)
- Walking Cheerfully (for First Day Schools and all ages, 2002)
Spiritual Nurture
- Brothers and Sisters All (for First Day Schools, 1997)
- Food for Body and Spirit (for First Day Schools, 1992)
- Losses and Healing (for pre-K to 8th grade, 2002)
- My Mandala – What is your Spiritual Journey? (for Kindergarten to 5th grade, 2017, by Stacy Schanno)
- Work is Love Made Visible (for various ages, 1994)
Teaching about Testimonies
- Blessed are the Peacemakers (for all ages, 1989)
- Peaceable Kingdom (for all ages, 2003)
- Quaker Kidz Bring the Peace (for all ages)
- Speak to the Earth and It Shall Teach Thee (for all ages, 1987)
- Stewardship of Time, Money and Talent (for First Day Schools, 2002)
Lives of Friends
- The John Woolman Curriculum (for pre-K to 8th grade, 2000)
- Lucretia Mott: Each Little Act of Kindness (for different age groups, 1993)
- Stand Your Ground: The Life and Accomplishments of Paul Robeson (for K to 8th grade, 1999)
- William Penn: The Feather and the Sword (for grades 4-8, 1993)
- William Penn: Young Rebel (for various ages)
NOTE: Neither curriculum speaks to Penn being a slaveholder. Friends are encouraged to use teachable moments to offer our children a more accurate picture of Penn’s life and Quaker history regarding the enslavement of people of African descent. If you create or become aware of lessons about Penn that share a broader, more honest history, please be in touch with the Youth Religious Life Coordinator.
Bible and Interfaith Studies
- Exploring My Friends’ Beliefs: A Study of Judeo-Christian Faith in One’s Neighborhood (for grades 7-12, 1997)
- Teaching Children About Jesus, I (for various ages, 1999)
- Teaching Children About Jesus, II (for various ages, 2000)
- Teaching the Bible to Quakers (various ages, 2009)
- Teaching the Old Testament to Quaker Children (for elementary and middle school, 2001)
- Celebrating the Seasons (for First Day Schools, 1994)
- Christmas Programs with a Twist (all ages, 1991, by Elinor P. Briggs)
Older Youth
- Growing in the Light (for grades 6-8, 1999)
- Growing in the Light (for high school and adults)
- Just Do It! How to Plan and Staff a Youth Gathering (for high school, 1990)
- Wild Things: A Recipe for Running an MS Gathering (for Middle School Friends, 1996, by Jennifer Galloway)
- Working with Middle Schoolers (1992, by Linda Brick and Barbara Henderson)