Climate Justice
Greening Sacred Spaces Webinar Recordings
Guide to Local Climate Change Planning (New Jersey)
Working with the NJ DEP, Sustainable Jersey (SJ), and partners, New Jersey Future (NJF) led development of this guide as a foundation for ongoing climate adaptation and resilience. Based on a systems approach, the guide supports municipalities evaluate vulnerability across five systems: Built System, Natural System, Social System, Economic System, and Governance System.
Cool Congregations
Interfaith Power & Light’s Cool Congregations program offers resources to guide you every step of the way: taking a “before” snapshot of your carbon footprint, finding ways to reduce, educating your congregation, taking an “after” snapshot, and celebrating the success! Once you have your worship facility reducing energy use, get you congregants involved in reducing energy use at home. Get the Cool Congregations Contest kit soon!
Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW) Mini-Grants
Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW) is a network of Quakers seeking to live in right relationship with Earth and in unity with nature. The QEW Mini-Grants Committee provides small matching grants to help fund Friends’ projects that put this principle into practice. We are looking for projects to support, especially those that help with providing food, involve youth, or help with challenging racial/ethnic barriers. If your Quaker organization is doing a project that meets our criteria, we invite you to apply. If you are an individual Quaker, involved with a project that meets our criteria, perhaps your Meeting could adopt the project. This would enable us to fund you. We can only fund through Quaker Meetings, Churches, Camps, Schools, etc. Matching grants are now available in amounts up to $1,500. More details are on the Mini-Grant application form.
Inside the Greenhouse
Inside the Greenhouse is Friends Committee on National Legislation’s monthly newsletter on energy and the environment. Read the October 2024 issue and previous issues at the FCNL website.