The Multicultural Audit Steering Committee (MASC), as known as “The People’s Committee, had the daunting task of creating an RFP, from no template, creed, Vision Statement, study, and/or strategic plan. In under one year, under the director of a Spirit-led Clerk, we, the MASC, created an RFP that aims to examine the counterculture that is Quakerism. We are excited to bring you this Fruit of Collaboration and Creativity!
- Issuance Date: Friday, November 2, 2018
- Due Date: Must be received by Thursday, December 20, 2018, 4 PM
Request for Proposal (RFP) from Independent Consulting Services for a Multicultural Community Assessment in Diversity and Inclusion of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Religious Society of Friends
Peace and Progress! Located in Philadelphia, PA, The Philadelphia Yearly Meeting’s Multicultural Audit Steering Committee (MASC) solicits proposals from qualified parties with experience in institutional assessment, particularly with experience in guiding entities through successful equity, diversity, and inclusion transformation. The MASC’s objective is to identify a qualified consultant who can help the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PhYM) assess and strengthen its beloved community that desires meaningful diversity and inclusion. A complete scope of services is outlined in the following pages of the Request for Proposal for Multicultural Community Assessment in Diversity and Inclusion.
The deadline for receiving the proposal at 1515 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102 is Thursday, December 20, 2018, 4 PM. The selected consultant will contract with the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PhYM). The projected date for contract commencement is April 2019 and a final report is due on Friday, December 20, 2019.
If your audit firm is interested and is available during the timeframe, please submit your technical proposal and cost proposal. Your proposal must include and will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Understanding of Problem.
- Qualifications of Proposer(s).
- Qualifications of Personnel.
- Recommendations of former clients.
- Soundness of Approach.
- Cost.
- Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion (D/M/WBE) Participation.
All correspondence pertaining to this proposal should be directed to tonya thames taylor at
1515 Cherry Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102.
If you have any questions, please contact me at
This RFP, nor its solicitation to apply, in no way, obligates The Philadelphia Yearly Meeting nor The Philadelphia Yearly Meeting’s Multicultural Audit Steering Committee (MASC) to award a contract, nor does it commit The Philadelphia Yearly Meeting nor The Philadelphia Yearly Meeting’s Multicultural Audit Steering Committee (MASC) to pay any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of the proposal.
tonya thames taylor, Ph.D.
Clerk, Multicultural Audit Steering Committee of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting