On Tuesday, May 11, 2021, approximately 30 leaders from our quarterly meetings met for the second of three annual gatherings. At this gathering, our Co-Presiding Clerks, Jean-Marie Prestwidge Barch and Frank Barch, shared some thoughts on the relevance and importance of quarterly meetings. They noted that quarterly meetings have, “more intimate connection with their members and simultaneously can have greater perspective on the gifts and talents of members as those attributes fit into the large whole of the yearly meeting and beyond.”
From Faith and Practice
Thoughtfully planned sessions of a quarterly meeting can provide religious fellowship, spiritual enrichment, and a forum for cooperation and exchange of information and ideas among members of the constituent monthly meetings. Those gathered may develop plans to deal regionally with broader issues and special concerns, as well as review and respond to concerns that a meeting wishes to bring before the yearly meeting.
Friends also heard from Ayesha Imani of the Ujima Friends Peace Center and their planned Summer of Freedom 2021. Read more about Ujima and their programs in a recent story on their Summer of Freedom plans in PYM Web News. They are looking for spaces in which to host their summer youth program. The need is greatest for swimming and hiking spots, but any type of outdoor space in which to host the youth works, too!
The bulk of the time was spent participating in small groups. Friends discussed ways they care for properties and communities, and the ways they are engaging monthly meetings in quarterly meeting worship, programs, and business.
Discussions were lively, enjoyable, and will be ongoing.