A message from Plymouth Meeting
During Eleventh Month Business Meeting, our Monthly Meeting united in sending in a letter conveying our love and concern for Ramallah Friends Meeting, Friends School and all people of Palestine during this time of violence against the people of Palestine and Israel that has escalated to war in Gaza and continual random violence in the rest of Palestine and Israel. The letters and reply can be found on our website.
In their response, they shared a YouTube link to their choir singing their Christmas song: I’m a child, born to live not to die. Theirs is a simple plea for love, life and justice. Click here to listen to the choir.
Plymouth Friends lift up Zechariah’s prayer that we all; people near and far to Palestine, Leaders and citizens of all countries allow our feet to be turned to the path of peace so children may live and not die. Let us listen to the Eternal Inward Guide and begin the turning.
Luke 1:78 “…because of the tender mercy of our God,
by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven
to shine on those living in darkness
and in the shadow of death,
to guide our feet into the path of peace.”