Make PYM Sessions awesome!
Recently Sessions Coordinating Committee found joy and fulfillment! Here’s how:
- New energetic members joined the committee
This is a current or upcoming project or interesting thing the committee is working on:
- We are discerning the theme for next year’s sessions
- We’re planning a post-Annual Sessions committee retreat to evaluate our work this year and develop goals for next year’s Continuing and Annual Sessions.
People who participate in this committee can learn and grow in this way:
- There is always something to learn about how Philadelphia Yearly Meeting works.
- Get to know and exchange ideas with fellow committee volunteers and staff.
This committee functions at its best when there are people serving on it who have these skills or experiences:
- Event planning and logistics
- Developing inclusive community
- Basic familiarity with Quaker business practice
- Broad knowledge of, and interest in, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
- Develop and communicate clear goals and bring them to life
- Familiarity with the intricacies of PYM’s 21st Century history and structure
- Working knowledge of electronic communication systems
The realistic time commitment of members of this committee includes:
- Attend and actively participate in 5-6 regularly scheduled meetings/year
- Attend and participate in Continuing and Annual Sessions
- Volunteer as led to work with subgroups to carry out specific tasks (e.g. consider future venues for Annual Sessions)
- Communicate plans for Continuing and Annual Sessions to others through one’s monthly and quarterly meetings
With Divine assistance, the Sessions Coordinating Committee sets overall direction of Annual and Continuing Sessions, jointly called “Sessions.” The committee supervises long term planning, implementation of the overall direction, and the collection and review of feedback on Sessions.
For information about Sessions Coordinating Committee, contact the Tara Rubinstein, Sessions & Events Coordinator, at trubinstein@pym.org.
- Frank Barch – Schuylkill Monthly Meeting
- Susanna Davison – London Grove Meeting
- Rose Ketterer – Newton Monthly Meeting
- Nikki Mosgrove – Trenton Meeting
- Jean-Marie Prestwidge Barch – Schuylkill Meeting
- Tara Rubinstein, Sessions Coordinator, ex officio
- Melissa Rycroft – Upper Susquehanna Quarter
- Melinda Wenner Bradley – West Chester Monthly Meeting, Director of Programs, ex officio