Support the people who make good programs which create deep community!
Recently Program Support Committee found joy and fulfillment! Here’s how:
- Provided support for the dynamic groups in our care
- Collected reports of the interesting work of each of the collaboratives and shared them at Annual Sessions
People who participate in this committee can learn and grow in this way:
- Programs are the point where Friends meet each other and learn and grow – serving on this committee allows you to be right where the action is happening
This committee functions at its best when there are people serving on it who have these skills or experiences:
- Program development
- Care and nurture of groups and communities
- Vision for what could be and strategic accumen to know how to get there
The realistic time commitment of members of this committee includes:
- The committee meets monthly
- Attend programs and events of the yearly meeting
- Serve as a liaison to a collaborative or other community or program
- Members of committees are appointed by the council they serve. Program Support Committee is under Quaker Life Council
- Consists of six to ten members appointed by QLC
With Divine assistance, the Program Support Committee is charged with reviewing and making seasoned recommendations about collaboratives, sprints and other programs not otherwise assigned under the care of the Quaker Life Council (Resource Friends, Young Adult Friends, Bridge Contacts, Monthly and Quarterly Meeting leadership, and PYM representatives to other organizations). The Program Support Committee may also provide consultation to the Quaker Life Council regarding yearly-meeting-wide work and witness. The Program Support Committee supervises the allocation of funds from the Quaker Life Council funding envelope, within standards of business practice and the legal guidelines of PYM finances.
For information about Program Support Committee, contact Wendy Kane, quakersbucks@gmail.com.
- Betsy Crofts – Newtown Meeting
- Sue Dietz – Medford Meeting
- Wendy Kane – Newtown Meeting
- Claire Kinnel, Community Engagement Coordinator, ex officio
- Jamie McVickar – Downingtown Meeting
- Jean-Marie Prestwidge Barch – Schuylkill Monthly Meeting, QLC Clerk, ex officio
- Tom Zemaitis, Treasurer, ex officio