The Quaker College Fair is for students interested in Quaker values-based higher education. Students in High School from across the country were invited to attend a series of conversations and panels held in March and April 0f 2022 to ask questions, meet current Quaker college students and reps, and get to know other Quaker(ish) students.
These conversations and panels were recorded and uploaded to the PYM YouTube Channel .
This year marked a sea change in our approach to organizing the Quaker College Fair, traditionally a day-long event held in Philadelphia. We sought to broaden and deepen its reach across the United States by expanding the involvement way beyond Philly. Becca Richie, our first ever Quaker College Fair Organizer tasked with this effort, made great strides, and we are looking forward to testing a similar model in 2024.
We envision an interconnected generation of Quakers across yearly meetings, Quaker organizations, and educational institutions supporting one another in building lives that speak to justice, equity, and mutual care.
Becca’s personal reflection:
Working to organize the Quaker College Fair with Philadelphia Yearly Meeting was an opportunity to reconnect with the world of Quaker higher education and the many thoughtful individuals within it. It was enriching to reflect on the potential benefit to community the fair could have for other staff members, particularly considering the fair as an opportunity to reach a younger and more diverse spectrum of Friends.