In February, 2022, Bruce Birchard, Sam Caldwell and Michael Wajda, all members of meetings in Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, initiated what became “An Urgent Call to the Religious Society of Friends.” This was a call to Friends and meetings to join in an effort to protect the integrity of the 2022 elections. Many other Friends joined in drafting the call, which was released in June of 2022. Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and many individual PYM members endorsed the Call.
We formed a “steering committee” of eight experienced Friends who have guided this work. We are an ad hoc group, not a formal organization, no tax exempt status, etc. Our mission is to bring Friends (and Friends meetings) together to take action to protect our federal, state and local elections, save and strengthen our democracy, and stand up for truth and integrity in our American political life.
Much of our work is done through Zoom calls. As of April, 2024, some 1800 Quakers from around the country have participated in one or more of these calls. Often, we feature a particular organization or resource person who describes the work they are doing to protect elections. On some calls, we simply bring together a large group of Friends from around the country and facilitate a worshipful exchange of concerns, ideas and plans related to elections.
Now we are focusing all of our work on the 2024 federal, state and local elections. Our plans include:
- A major Zoom call on Tuesday, May 21 from 7:00-8:15PM (EDT) for PA Friends with Steve Wanczyk, Executive Director of Protect Our Election, focused exclusively on Pennsylvania. His excellent program includes creative ways for Friends and others to support local election officials and expose those who seek to undermine free elections. REGISTER HERE for a special “Connect To Action” Zoom session. Registrants will be sent a zoom link the day before the session.
- A special Zoom call for all PYM Friends to discuss and share plans for protecting elections in the states in the PYM region. Specific “Call to Action” ideas will be shared at this Zoom event facilitated by Bruce Birchard (Central Philadelphia Meeting and the Quaker Call to Action). REGISTER HERE for Monday, June 10 at 7-8pm.
- Gathering on Sunday, September 22, at Arch Street Meeting House in the afternoon with a speaker and an opportunity for Friends (and our children) to prepare and send messages to key election officials plus state and county legislators about protecting our elections.
More information about the Quaker Call, including several useful resources and video recordings of previous Zoom programs, are on the Quaker Call to Action website. Please take a look at our new listing of “Priority Actions for the Quaker Call to Democracy.” Updates for future programs and events for PYM Friends will be posted on the PYM website calendar.