PYM Youth Programs welcomed Spring with a series of weekend events that included young people of all ages! We’re excited for our upcoming Annual Sessions July 26-30th. Be sure to stay connected for news about Fall programs for children, youth, and families!
West Chester Meeting

On April 22-23, Middle School Friends (MSF) gathered at West Chester Meeting for a fun-filled overnight. MSF overnight programs create the space for youth in grades six through eight to build friendships, explore Quaker faith and practice, and have a lot of fun! This weekend’s overnight provided the opportunity for youth to focus on the themes of Earth, sustainability, and their place in our world, while spending time playing games, painting pots and planting flowers, cooking together, sharing worship, and building community! West Chester youth were excited to welcome MSF from four other meetings to both the overnight and to participate in a Sunday morning program, worship, and lunch with Concord Quarter. Families of the middle school youth were invited to join in on Sunday as well.
Camp Dark Waters

On Saturday, April 29, the 14 PYM families who planned to gather for the annual Spring Family Overnight at Camp Dark Waters made an amazing pivot! Due to heavy rains and flooding, the overnight at the camp had to be cancelled (but we are already reserved for next May!). Thanks to Mount Holly Meeting and the quick thinking of staff, the meetinghouse was opened for the group to share their space, and families were able to gather for the afternoon to participate in crafts and games, and to cook and share a meal. Families enjoyed being able to share time together despite the rainy weather!
Camp Swatara
On May 5-7, Young Friends (high school) and Middle School Friends were invited to participate in Caln Quarter’s annual gathering of Friends at Camp Swatara! The weekend included get-to-know-you activities, s’mores and time around the fire pit with other youth and families, outdoor games, and exploration of the camp. Other highlights included adventuring up the mountain to the rock pile to enjoy granola bars and the view, and the intergenerational talent show, in which several Young Friends performed a rendition of “Imagine” by John Lennon.
PYM Youth Programs will continue this summer with an onsite presence at Annual Sessions! We invite families and youth of all ages to join us for spiritual renewal, connection and friendship-building, and intergenerational worship and activities. There will be programming for each age group – K through 5, Middle School, and High School – as well as all-together activities and childcare for our littlest Friends! Annual Sessions will include online gatherings on Wednesday and Thursday and will move onsite Friday to Sunday. We look forward to welcoming youth and families to share in the community of our whole Yearly Meeting!