In their council meeting on 9/21/19, Administrative Council decided to create a sprint with 5-7 Friends with representation from the Undoing Racism Group (URG), the Multicultural Audit Steering Committee (MASC), representatives from each council and others with relevant experience in antiracism work. This sprint will review the 2016 URG and MASC report, as well as the “Incomplete Collection of Antiracism Work & Possibilities” document compiled by the General Secretary. This sprint will be charged to and work with a consultant with expertise in antiracism work.
In their council meeting on 9/21/19, Quaker Life Council reviewed the minutes from Annual Sessions and gathered the names of the 14 Friends who volunteered on 7/27/19 to contribute to the Truth and Reconciliation process. The Assistant Clerk of the Quaker Life Council and another member of this council agreed to gather these volunteers to start this process to clarify this charge and discern the way forward. The Quaker Life Council decided to share the contact information of those 14 Friends who volunteered with all the entire group of volunteers. The conveners of this group have scheduled their first meeting for 10/14/19.
The Clerk’s Group will devote time in the agenda of November Sessions to permit the Administrative and Quaker Life Councils to report their progress regarding their charges from Annual Session 2019.
In the Hope of Peace within and Among Us,
Christopher A. Lucca, Presiding Clerk
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
If you want to know more or engage in this work please contact either:
Terri Whiteford, Administrative Council clerk
(610) 518 5326, txw908@gmail.com
Amy Taylor Brooks, Quaker Life Council clerk
(610) 455-0591, ataylorbrooks@gmail.com