Pendle Hill and Philadelphia Yearly Meeting held two collaborative meetings for worship on November 3rd, Election Day. The meetings offered a space for spiritual comfort and connection during the vortex of an unusually drawn out 2020 Presidential election. 19 attendees joined afternoon worship and 39 attendees participated in evening worship. Friends joined locally and from places as distant as Canada and the West coast of the United States.
PYM’s Community Engagement Coordinator, Olivia Brangan, expressed gratitude for the shared worship and sense of belonging.
As we gathered in expectant worship, I felt a spiritual blanket of God’s love that soon comforted me. Worshipping in community with Friends deepens my inward experience of peace and the Divine–which was something that I needed as I navigated a day of uncertainty.
Francisco Burgos, Pendle Hill’s new Executive Director, opened and closed worship with his characteristic warmth and compassion. Pendle Hill’s Daily worship has helped many people during the pandemic, and has built a powerful sense of virtual community around the organization’s dual role as a faith convener and provider of educational programs.
That morning, Francisco said, some 155 Friends attended 8:30 worship.
Continuing the theme of worship, PYM’s Fall Continuing Sessions will mark November 7th as a day for community worship and togetherness. While business and worship are often the focus of PYM’s Sessions gatherings, this time the two have been separated.
Business meeting will be happening on December 8th.
The program for Fall Continuing Sessions is designed for Friends to come and go, and to participate flexibly as schedules, energy, and attention allows.