These newsletters and the articles they contain were originally written and published by the Pastoral Care Newsletter Working Group of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting between the years 1993 and 2012. The seventy-six editions of the six-page newsletter published during these years brought fresh insights to Quaker meetings, their Member Care Committees, Ministry & Counsel and others who provide pastoral care in unprogrammed Friends meetings.
Obtaining copies of the Pastoral Care Newsletter
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Volume 01|Issue 1|1993, September|The Role of the Pastoral Caregiver, The Ministry of Pastoral Care by Arlene Kelly
Volume 01|Issue 2|1993, December|Pastoral Care for Marriage and Divorce, Meeting Support of Marriage and Couple Relationship by Patricia McBee
Volume 01|Issue 3|1994, February|The Role of the Pastoral Caregiver, Reflections of an Overseer by Regina Peasley Hallowell
Volume 01|Issue 4|1994, May|Membership in Our Meetings, Membership and the Clearness Process by Helene Pollock and Arlene Kelly
Volume 02|Issue 1|1994, October|Facing Conflict in the Meeting, Dealing with Difficult Situations by Arlene Kelly
Volume 02|Issue 2|1995, January|Pastoral Care for Marriage and Divorce, Supporting Families Through Separation and Divorce by Jean B. Robbins
Volume 02|Issue 3|1995, March|The Welfare of Each Member, Nurturing Children and Families in Meeting by Marty Smith and Carolyn Terrell
Volume 02|Issue 4|1995, May|Pastoral Care for Marriage and Divorce, Clearness Committees for Marriage or Commitment by Jan Hoffman
Volume 03|Issue 1|1995, September|Membership in Our Meetings, Inactive Members: Keeping Some and Helping Others Move On by Sue Heath
Volume 03|Issue 2|1996, January|Pastoral Care for Illness and Death, Facing Death: Helping People Grieve by Anne Moore and Tom Moore, Facing Death and Loss in the Meeting by Linda Lyman
Volume 03|Issue 3|1996, March|The Welfare of Each Member, Dealing with Aging by Phyllis A. Sanders
Volume 03|Issue 4|1996, June|Facing Conflict in the Meeting, A Challenge to be Clear and Caring by Lindley M. Winston
Volume 04|Issue 1|1996, September|The Welfare of Each Member, Nurturing Quaker Parenting by Harriet E. Heath
Volume 04|Issue 2|1997, January|Pastoral Care for Persons with Mental Illness, Pastoral Care for Persons with Mental Illness by Joseph Rogers, Suggestions for Overseers-Mental Illness by Lee Junker
Volume 04|Issue 3|1997, March|Care of the Meeting Community, Nurturing the Meeting Community by Arlene Kelly
Volume 04|Issue 4|1997, June|The Welfare of Each Member, Pastoral Care for Men in our Meetings by Mike Hayes, Douglas Campbell, and Nate Terrell, Starting a Men’s Group in Your Meeting”
Volume 05|Issue 1|1997, September|Pastoral Care for Persons with Mental Illness, Helping Friends Seek Professional Help by Barbara T. Snipes
Volume 05|Issue 2|1998, January|Pastoral Care for Persons with Mental Illness, Depression: The Invisible Problem by Nancy L. Bieber
Volume 05|Issue 3|1998, March|The Role of the Pastoral Caregiver, Discerning Our Leadings as Overseers by Martha Bush
Volume 05|Issue 4|1998, June|Care of the Meeting Community, Supporting Stands of Conscience by Priscilla Adams and Steve Gulick
Volume 06|Issue 1|1998, September|Pastoral Care for Illness and Death, Preparing for Memorial Services by Sue Heath
Volume 06|Issue 2|1999, January|Facing Conflict in the Meeting, One Meeting’s Response to Conflict and Abuse by Friends in Portland ME Meeting
Volume 06|Issue 3|1999, March|Pastoral Care for Persons with Mental Illness, Alcoholism in the Meeting by Alex Scott
Volume 06|Issue 4|1999, June|The Welfare of Each Member, Reaching Out to Singles in Our Meetings by Donalyn Mosteller
Volume 07|Issue 1|1999, September|The Welfare of Each Member, Ministry to Older People Experiencing Disabilities by Rose Ketterer
Volume 07|Issue 2|2000, January|Pastoral Care for Marriage and Divorce, Seeking Clearness on Same Gender Marriage by Karen Stewart
Volume 07|Issue 3|2000, March|The Role of the Pastoral Caregiver, Growing into the Role of Pastoral Caregiver by Gay Howard, Reflections on Overseers’ Role by Nadine Hoover
Volume 07|Issue 4|2000, June|Care of the Meeting Community, Use of Clearness Committees in Pastoral Care by Patricia McBee
Volume 08|Issue 1|2000, September|Pastoral Care for Illness and Death, Caring for the Terminally Ill and Their Caregivers by Lucy McIver
Volume 08|Issue 2|2001, January|Care of the Meeting Community, The Challenge and Opportunity of Meetinghouse Changes by Barry Zalph
Volume 08|Issue 3|2001, March|The Role of the Pastoral Caregiver, Deep Listening: Applying the Disciplines of an Elder to Pastoral Care by Bob Schmitt
Volume 08|Issue 4|2001, June|Membership in Our Meetings, Grounding Newcomers in Quakerism, Newcomers – Relax and Smile by LaDeana Mullinix, Newcomers – The Quaker Heron Unites Patapsco Preparative Meeting by Diane Reynolds~~~~Newcomers – Making Friends Meeting at Cambridge Friendly and Accessible by Gil Johnston~~~~Newcomers – Making Friends Meeting at Cambridge Friendly and Accessible by Sheila Johnston~~~~Newcomers – Pendle Hill Inquirers’ Weekend by Shirley Dodson~~~~Newcomers – Quakerism 101 by Gene Hillman
Volume 09|Issue 1|2001, September|The Welfare of Each Member,Supporting Families in Times of Trouble by Judith Owens
Volume 09|Issue 2|2002, January|Care of the Meeting Community,”Moving Toward Wholeness: Addressing Race Among Friends by Patricia McBee and Vanessa Julye~~~~From the Experience of an African American Friend by Claudio Wair~~~~””Discovering a Place for Myself Among Friends by David Yamamoto~~~~What’s in a Name? by Ernestine Buscemi~~~~Nine Suggestions for Addressing Racism by Gale Rohde”””
Volume 09|Issue 3|2002, March|The Role of the Pastoral Caregiver,How Are We Called? by Christopher Sammond
Volume 09|Issue 4|2002, June|The Welfare of Each Member,Staying Connected with Young Adult Friends by Deborah Shaw
Volume 10|Issue 1|2002, September|The Role of the Pastoral Caregiver,To Listen with Love by Patricia Brown
Volume 10|Issue 2|2003, January|Care of the Meeting Community,Building the Meeting Community through Retreats by Charlotte Fardelmann
Volume 10|Issue 3|2003, March|Care of the Meeting Community,How is Your Meeting Facing War and Militarism by Suzanne Day
Volume 10|Issue 4|2003, June|Care of the Meeting Community,Nurturing the Small Meeting or Worship Group by Lynne Phillips
Volume 11|Issue 1|2003, September|Membership in Our Meetings,Welcoming New Members by Sue Heath
Volume 11|Issue 2|2004, January|The Welfare of Each Member,Supporting Friends Who Are Burdened by Debt by David William McKay
Volume 11|Issue 3|2004, March|Facing Conflict in the Meeting,Pastoral Care That is Both Loving and Firm by Patricia McBee
Volume 11|Issue 4|2004, June|The Welfare of Each Member,Pastoral Care in Situations of Drug Abuse by John J. Blum
Volume 12|Issue 1|2004, September|The Welfare of Each Member,Pastoral Care and People With Disabilities by Sally Campbell
Volume 12|Issue 2|2005, January|Membership in Our Meetings,Speaking Truth to One Another: Addressing Theological Differences in the Meeting by Cathy Habschmidt
Volume 12|Issue 3|2005, March|Membership in Our Meetings,Quaker Records: Witness to Faithfulness by Chris Densmore
Volume 12|Issue 4|2005, June|The Role of the Pastoral Caregiver,Disruption or Opening: How Are We Led? by Jean-Marie Barch
Volume 13|Issue 1|2005, September|The Welfare of Each Member,High School and Young Adult Friends in Our Meeting~~~~The Rock and the Whale: A Parable for Pastoral Care of Young Friends by Zac Moon~~~~Nurturing Friendly Pilgrimages by Jonah McDonald~~~~SAYF Teens Nurture Each Other with Gentle Guidance from Adults by Wren Hendrickson~~~~Creating a Quaker Bar/Bat Mitzvah by Matt Sanderson and Patricia McBee
Volume 13|Issue 2|2006, January|Facing Conflict in the Meeting,The Burr of Forgiveness by Lynne Phillips
Volume 13|Issue 3|2006, March|Pastoral Care for Marriage and Divorce,Clearness Committees for Marriage or Commitment by Jan Hoffman
Volume 13|Issue 4|2006, June|Pastoral Care for Marriage and Divorce,Beyond Tradition: Caring for Marriage in the 21st Century by Joan Liversidge and Rich Liversidge
Volume 14|Issue 1|2006, September|The Welfare of Each Member,How Can Meetings Protect Children from Sexual Abuse? by Christel Jorgenson~~~~’So that Children Can Trust the Meeting’ is Friends’ Goal by Roger Walmsley
Volume 14|Issue 2|2007, January|The Role of the Pastoral Caregiver,”Ministry of Pastoral Care: The Healing Spirit Working Among Us by Arlene Kelly~~~~A Small, Growing Meeting Creates Nurturing Activities by LaDeana Mullinix”
Volume 14|Issue 3|2007, March|The Welfare of Each Member,Lonliness Among Friends: A Ministry of Connection by Rose Ketterer
Volume 14|Issue 4|2007, June|Care of the Meeting Community,”Does Your Meeting Suffer from a “”Lightness Deficiency”” by Jacob Stone”
Volume 15|Issue 1|2007, September|Membership in Our Meetings,”From Burden to Joy: Sharing the Work of the Meeting by Kate deRiel and Judith Owens~~~~””Harrisburg MM Works to Create a Spirit-led System by Donald B. Owen~~~~Westtown MM Senses a Leading to Begin Anew by Kevin A. Gallagher”””
Volume 15|Issue 2|2008, January|Care of the Meeting Community,Weaving Children and Adults into Full Meeting Life by Christie Duncan-Tessmer~~~~Chambersburg Friends Feel Blessed in Sharing Their Words by Sandra Grotberg
Volume 15|Issue 3|2008, March|The Welfare of Each Member,”Friends Coming Out: Does Your Meeting Offer a Caring, Spirit-led Ministry? by Melody Brazo”
Volume 15|Issue 4|2008, June|Care of the Meeting Community,”Four Paths on the Journey to Spiritual Enrichment by Elizabeth Meyer~~~~Small Groups Adapt to NYM Spiritual Nurture Program by Michael Resman~~~~Spiritual Friendships Foster Deep Listening, Sharing by Margery Mears Larrabee~~~~TMP: Spiritual Enrichment for Meeting Communities by Deborah Fisch and Beckey Phipps”
Volume 16|Issue 1|2008, September|The Welfare of Each Member,End-of-life Planning: How Friends Can Help Those Making Intense Decisions by Martha Morris~~~~Langley Hill (VA) Meeting Creates Needed Information Packet by John Surr
Volume 16|Issue 2|2009, January|The Welfare of Each Member,Sensing the Spirit in Planning Memorial Services by Sue Heath
Volume 16|Issue 3|2009, March|Pastoral Care for Marriage and Divorce,A Well-arranged Wedding: Modern Complexity Challenges Quaker Simplicity by Nancy Taylor
Volume 16|Issue 4|2009, June|Pastoral Care for Marriage and Divorce,Meeting Support of Marriage and Couple Relationships by Patricia McBee~~~~Madison (WI) Meeting Offers Monthly Couples’ Sessions by Dave Minden and Pamela Minden
Volume 17|Issue 1|2009, September|The Welfare of Each Member,Keeping the North Star in View When Finances Turn South by Carolyn Hilles~~~~Making ‘Stone Soup’ in Troubling Times Like These by David William McKay
Volume 17|Issue 2|2010, January|Care of the Meeting Community,”Quaker Quest: Isn’t it Time to Speak Out with Clarity and Passion? by Harry Forrest and Lois Forrest~~~~Haverford (PA) Celebrates, Shares ‘Spirit of Faith’ by Ben Lloyd”
Volume 17|Issue 3|2010, March|The Welfare of Each Member,Spirituality & Aging: Creating a Pastoral Care Approach by George Schaefer~~~~Meetings Explore Ways to Nurture Aging Friends – Millville (PA) Friends Meeting~~~~Meetings Explore Ways to Nurture Aging Friends-Middletown (PA) Meeting and Concord Quarter by David and Juliana Bates
Volume 17|Issue 4|2010, June|Care of the Meeting Community,Faith in Action: Friends Respond to Hunger and Homelessness by Martha Morris~~~~Friends Can Help the Homeless in Many Ways by Ed Hotchkiss
Volume 18|Issue 1|2010, September|Care of the Meeting Community,”How to Add Spirit, Spice, and Kids to Your Meeting by Norval Reece~~~~Faith & Play for FDS Inspires Spiritual Renewal by Joy Duncan”
Volume 18|Issue 2|2011, January|Care of the Meeting Community,Quaker Principles Give Parents Nurturing Foundation by Harriet E. Heath and Larue Evans~~~~Moorestown’s Parenting Classes Enrich Families & Meeting by Marty Smith
Volume 18|Issue 3|2011, March|Care of the Meeting Community,”Finding New Ways to Enfold Families, Children by Beth Collea~~~~How Children Learn, Grow Within a Faith Community by Sue D ietz”
Volume 18|Issue 4|2011, June|Care of the Meeting Community,Meetings and Schools: Caring for the ‘Care Relationship’ by Deborah Lyons~~~~Westfield (NJ) Friends Share Close School/Meeting Bonds by Suzanne Day
Volume 19|Issue 1|2011, September|Care of the Meeting Community,How Meetings Can Reach Out to Underserved Children by Monique Begg~~~~Quaker Voluntary Service: Faith in Action Transforms Lives by Christina Repoley
Volume 19|Issue 2|2012, January|Care of the Meeting Community,Camp Programs Form BYM’s Most Dynamic Outreach by Tasha Walsh~~~~Dark Waters and Onas Experiences Transform Lives by Carol Suplee~~~~Quaker Camping through Lens of Another’s Faith by Bucky Rogers and Kate Fussner
Volume 19|Issue 3|2012, March|The Role of the Pastoral Caregiver,Making Choices: Where Pastoral Care & Environmental Concerns Meet by Patricia McBee~~~~California Friends Seek New Earth Care Testimony by Shelley Tanenbaum and Kathy Barnhart~~~~Bridging the Gap Between Intention and Reality by Margaret Mansfield
Volume 19|Issue 4|2012, June|The Role of the Pastoral Caregiver,”PCN: Looking Back and Moving Forward by Patricia McBee~~~~Writers Exemplify Faith in Action on Many Levels by Carol Suplee~~~~PCN Founder Reflects on Newsletter’s Mission by Carol Suplee~~~~Facing Difficult Decisions: Spirit-guided Patience, Listening & Time Foster Unity by Susan Taylor and Martha Morris~~~~PYM Will Launch New E-Newsletter by Christie Duncan-Tessmer