January is a reflective month and First Contact Reconciliation Collaborative suggests Friends engage with an opportunity (below) to read a book about the forests we live among.
Grassroots collaboration calls us back to selecting a One Book, One Community title. This winter we are vesting in Finding the Mother Tree: Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest by Suzanne Simard. Finding the Mother Tree is available with local library systems or for purchase as a book, e-book, or tape.
We offer three teasers
- Finding the Mother Tree: Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest book promo (4 minute video)
- Susanne’s 2021 Bioneers Conference talk (13 minute video)
- Nature’s internet: how trees talk to each other in a healthy forest, Ted Talk (20 minute video)
Past “One Book One Community” practice includes reading in January, then in February gathering (virtually by Zoom) for a chat or set of chats expressing our unique connections with messages rising from the book – storytelling!
We look forward to hearing from you as we’re refining the details; questions and confirmations, toward Zoom access, are being received by email with SacredWovenWord@yahoo.com or by calling (609)327-0576.
This is not a book about how we can save the trees.
This is a book about how the trees might save us.— Susanne Simard