The events that have happened in our nation’s capital are deeply concerning. Below is a quote from Faith and Practice followed by a message from your Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Co-Clerks, Jean-Marie Prestwidge Barch and Frank Barch, and the General Secretary, Christie Duncan-Tessmer [Read more…] about PYM Statement Concerning the January 6th Capital Insurrection
George Eastburn’s Twitter Feed – A Quaker Voice in Social Media
Quakers are interesting people, and they see things differently – because they are often looking for a sense of faith and connection in the smallest things. So when we came across the Twitter feed of Abington Friend, George Eastburn, we noticed the Quaker eye, and we also appreciated his voice. [Read more…] about George Eastburn’s Twitter Feed – A Quaker Voice in Social Media
Zoom with former NPR Correspondent, Andrea Seabrook
The following story was submitted by Lehigh Valley Meeting member John Marquette. He attended the Zoom talk with Andrea Seabrook on January 6th. As a former NPR National Political Correspondent, Andrea created the event in response to the January 6th storming of the capital by Trump supporters. The Zoom was attended by more than 20 Quakers and friends, and served as a window into the soul of politics as seen by Andrea and others. [Read more…] about Zoom with former NPR Correspondent, Andrea Seabrook
Join Virtual Worship “Near” You
For Meetings Who Want to be “Found “ by Seekers Everywhere
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting is compiling monthly meeting virtual worship offerings to post online. If you are part of your meeting’s leadership team and your meeting has not yet filled out the worship and events survey there is still time to do so. Once you fill this out, we will get the information on your meeting’s page on the PYM website. This will help people find you.
Quaker Artist: Zenaida Peterson
This edition of Quaker Artists features Zenaida Peterson (they/them), a Boston-based spoken word poet. They were PYM’s Annual Sessions 2020’s Artist-in-Residence. They work with Quaker Voluntary Service (QVS) and support the organizing of a poetry slam tournament called FEMS that centers on feminine people.
Meeting Owl Pro Device: Technology to Support Digital Worship
The pandemic has resulted in technology becoming an essential part of many Quaker meetings as in-person worship came to a stop at most meetings. Philadelphia Yearly Meeting’s (PYM) monthly meetings have had to find new ways to keep the community together through Zoom video calls or Facebook Live videos.
These new ways of worship have had a silver lining; members and attenders not able to typically attend worship in person have been able to join digitally. Digital worship creates a path for long-time members who no longer live near the meetinghouse and seekers new to Quakerism to attend. Many meetings have decided that offering a way for Friends to worship digitally is here to stay, even after a return to meeting in person. For those considering this option, there is technology available to support hybrid forms of gathering that offer a meaningful experience for attending in person and digitally. [Read more…] about Meeting Owl Pro Device: Technology to Support Digital Worship
Tuition Aid for Friends Children in PYM Friends Schools
PYM’s Committee on Friends Education reminds families that monthly meeting members’ children attending or applying to Friends Schools are eligible to apply for educational support for the 2021-22 school year. Funding for all grants comes from the National Friends Education Fund and Philadelphia Yearly Meeting endowment income from the Jonathan Rhoads Fund and other PYM education endowments. [Read more…] about Tuition Aid for Friends Children in PYM Friends Schools
About the Mail… (sigh)
The nation is battling Covid, and as a result people are suffering serious economic and social effects. Another effect is that some mail is not getting delivered in a timely way. Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM) staff have seen mail delays affecting our grant disbursements and other checks we’ve sent out. We’ve also noticed that incoming mail to PYM at 1515 Cherry Street, Philadelphia has been delayed or has not reached PYM at all.
This month we learned that no Philadelphia-based bulk mail was processed from December 8th to the 19th. This specifically impacted our December appeal, a mailing that invites some 6,800 members of our faith community to support PYM with a gift. This appeal generates important financial support that helps keeps the lights on at PYM. [Read more…] about About the Mail… (sigh)
Quaker Artist: Joey Hartmann-Dow
We are continuing our popular series on Quaker artists and feature Lehigh Valley member Joey Hartmann-Dow. Many Friends know Joey from her work on ‘Seeks’ an FCNL comic book on climate issues published two years ago. Others know Joey from Young Adult Friends or the ever-popular Badass Women Calendars that brighten our walls each year.
The Mystery of Christmas: A Nativity Story
Stop. Listen. Something incredible is about to happen . . .
This is the Nativity story as told by Melinda Wenner Bradley, who serves PYM as the Youth Religious Life Coordinator. She is an accredited Godly Play Trainer and storyteller and a co-author of Faith & Play: Quaker Stories for Friends Trained in the Godly Play Method.
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