Unami Monthly Meeting recently introduced a Carbon Forest Project through their Peace and Social Concerns committee. As one of their first projects, they have made plans for a ten-acre site to build Old Growth forests, an ecologically diverse native forest that can sink carbon permanently by planting 435 trees per acre, tending to the need for organic surface, shrubs, and herbs. They plan to steward these forests as they grow to maturity. [Read more…] about John Munro of Unami Monthly Meeting on the Carbon Forest Project
One Book, One Community 2022
January is a reflective month and First Contact Reconciliation Collaborative suggests Friends engage with an opportunity (below) to read a book about the forests we live among.
Grassroots collaboration calls us back to selecting a One Book, One Community title. This winter we are vesting in Finding the Mother Tree: Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest by Suzanne Simard. Finding the Mother Tree is available with local library systems or for purchase as a book, e-book, or tape. [Read more…] about One Book, One Community 2022
FCNL Virtual Annual Meeting & US Child Poverty Conversations in Washington
The story below on the Friends Committee on National Legislation’s (FCNL) Annual Meeting and work to reduce child poverty comes from one of PYM’s collaboratives (a network of individual Quakers working jointly on common interests specific to themselves). Collaborative work and witness are distinct from corporate ministry of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Though many individual Quakers join together in addressing social concerns, Quakerism is a faith of continuing revelation and PYM is a ‘big tent’ with many opinions. [Read more…] about FCNL Virtual Annual Meeting & US Child Poverty Conversations in Washington
Religious Education Resources for January & February 2022
Dear Friends,
A few years ago, my meeting’s RE committee planned to focus on one of the Friends testimonies each month, and found we got stuck (in a good way!) on peace. We ended up creating a year-long program that started with peace in ourselves and moved outward each month in circles of expanding communities: exploring peace in our homes, meeting, neighborhoods, and the world. [Read more…] about Religious Education Resources for January & February 2022
Programs for Youth and Families: New Directions
The months leading to Annual Session 2022 will have a different feel for our Yearly Meeting’s Youth Programs. Staff are eager to seek ways to rebuild the program communities that have been impacted by the pandemic. Decreasing attendance in youth programming is a trend that’s existed in US yearly meetings, however the pandemic has put into sharp relief the concerns. While PYM staff and volunteers have been consistently (and valiantly) creative and resourceful with online programming, outreach to youth and families, and gathering in person when possible, we need to rebuild community and connection. Let’s do this together, Friends! [Read more…] about Programs for Youth and Families: New Directions
First Contact Reconciliation Collaborative: Healing and Story-telling on Federal Indian Boarding Schools
First Contact Reconciliation Collaborative is seeking Friends’ truths. We are looking for those truths that work toward healing and involve humbly examining and sharing our stories.
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Time to Submit State of the Meeting Reports
All monthly meetings, quarterly meetings, and other local Quaker communities within the PYM area are invited and encouraged to submit State of the Meeting Reports. A version of the recent letter to known leaders of monthly and quarterly meetings provides guidance (if desired) on how to conduct the spiritual self-assessment of your community that would lead to composing a State of the Meeting Report. See the Guidelines for a Spiritual Self-assessment of the Meeting section of our Faith & Practice for more information.
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Update on How Meetings are Facing the Omicron COVID Variant
Meetings have had a range of responses to the more contagious Omicron variant. Some smaller meetings are continuing to meet in person with masks. Other meetings remain hybrid so Friends can worship as they feel most comfortable. Some mid-sized and larger meetings have reverted to all remote worship, but are doing this with a short timeline, sometimes for just a few weeks.
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Gifts We Seek: the Timeless, Eternal, Beautiful, and True
Two Friends recently shared their thoughts with PYM. One wrote about what is timeless and true vs. political and divisive. The other wrote of the persistence it takes to access the long view. The news in these final two two stories of 2021 is that there is hope! By listening to diverse voices we maintain Truth within Quaker faith. By doing the work of climbing the stairs we see the far horizon. [Read more…] about Gifts We Seek: the Timeless, Eternal, Beautiful, and True
Saying Yes to Bucks County Interfaith! Bristol Meeting Collects Furniture for Afghan Refugees
Friends’ Meetings everywhere engage in supportive and compassionate programs for their communities. This story, written by Jim Fine of Bristol Meeting, will inspire meetings to do similar good in 2022. The meeting supports the Bucks County Interfaith Coalition’s Support Network (BCICSN) by bottom-lining a rainy day fund for Syrian refugees. Recently the meeting also stepped up to serve as an ad-hoc warehouse, collecting furniture donations for an influx of anticipated Afghan refugees. [Read more…] about Saying Yes to Bucks County Interfaith! Bristol Meeting Collects Furniture for Afghan Refugees