Ayesha Imani, Ph.D., is a Quaker educator who serves as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Sankofa Freedom Academy. She is also one of the founders. This is part two of a two-part interview with Ayesha about community energy, spiritual focus, Quaker educational ideas, and the creation of the Sankofa Freedom Academy Charter school. [Read more…] about Quaker Educators: Ayesha Imani, PhD, and Sankofa Freedom Academy Charter School – Part 2
Grace Sharples Cooke Farewell Interview
Grace Cooke, Associate Secretary for Advancement and Relationship, has been stewarding fundraising at PYM for the last five years. Since May, 2018, she has also been leading the communication team at PYM. This February, she will be leaving PYM to begin a new job at the Science History Institute. While we are sad to say farewell, we are glad to share this final interview. [Read more…] about Grace Sharples Cooke Farewell Interview
Spirit of First Contact Reconciliation: What’s Going On?
On February 5th, about 125 Friends gathered for the PYM program Thread Gathering: Restorative Racial Justice. Following a morning with Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting facilitators .O and Dana Reinhold, three different collaboratives–Middle East Collaborative, First Contact Reconciliation Collaborative (FCRC) and Eco-Justice Collaborative–offered overviews of current work. Below is a follow-up story by FCRC. [Read more…] about Spirit of First Contact Reconciliation: What’s Going On?
Ujima Friends Peace Center Is a Ministry of Ujima Friends Meeting
Ujima Friends Meeting announced in June 2021 that: “In an act of declaration and commitment, we, a people of African descent, our families and friends, respond to the movement of the Spirit among us to form Ujima Friends Meeting within the Religious Society of Friends. Ujima Friends Meeting is a community of faith without borders, dedicated to bearing witness to peace, justice, and love.”What follows is republished From Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting’s January Newsletter.
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Quaker Educators: Ayesha Imani, PhD & Sankofa Freedom Academy Charter School – Part 1
When a visitor arrives at Sankofa Freedom Academy, a Philadelphia charter school, the first feeling is one of love. A second feeling is calm – Sankofa students and teachers are full of intention and purpose. The third is respect and joy.
These school walls may hold moments of stress or success, but either way, no one is going to be left unsupported or un-loved, and the community is there to value and lift each soul, and all minds, up.
Ayesha Imani, PhD, is the Quaker educator who serves as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Sankofa Freedom Academy. She is also one of the founders. The kindergarten to grade 12 school – which opened in 2009 and is currently the only Freedom School in Philadelphia – was inspired by Ayesha’s children’s positive experiences in Quaker schools, the Quaker faith, the need for a culturally African-centric instructional model, and the charter school movement.
This is a story of Quaker energy and spiritual focus.
Apply for a Travel & Witness Grant at the March 1 Deadline
The Travel and Witness Granting Group (TWGG) provides grants to support active service and witness by individuals following leadings of the Spirit.
The group has made fewer grants since March 2020 as a result of the pandemic’s impact on travel plans and gatherings. This decrease means that the group has more funds available for future grants, and therefore welcomes applications for creative ideas that involve connecting with other communities through travel or witness. [Read more…] about Apply for a Travel & Witness Grant at the March 1 Deadline
Meetings and Individuals Are Invited to Acquire a New Tool: Trust Circles
In addition to being co-clerk of the yearly meeting, Jean-Marie Prestwidge Barch is clerk of PYM’s Ministry and Care Committee. She has shared this news story in the hope that meetings and individuals will be inspired to learn about Trust Circles and participate in transforming our yearly meeting. [Read more…] about Meetings and Individuals Are Invited to Acquire a New Tool: Trust Circles
Birmingham Friends Meeting: Exploring Quakerism with Newcomers
Sallie Jones and Leslie Leonard from Birmingham Friends Meeting, West Chester, PA, share a story about their program, Exploring Quakerism for Newcomers. The program provides an overview of Quakerism and how Friends meetings work. Two members of the meeting lead the program and orient seekers to the faith and help them build relationships within the meeting.
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Shoemaker Fund Enables Monthly Meeting Tech Support Grants
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting is inviting monthly meetings to apply for $1,000 grants for needed technology purchases and implementations to support outreach/in-reach goals, and virtual or hybrid meeting capacity-building.
There is no grant deadline. Eligible projects will be funded on a first-come-first-served basis according to when they are received. The application process for the grants is simple; meeting representatives should fill out the form at the end of this news story. Only one project per meeting will be funded. [Read more…] about Shoemaker Fund Enables Monthly Meeting Tech Support Grants
Grants for Quarterly Meetings – With Thanks to the Shoemaker Fund
Last fall, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting received a grant from the Thomas H. and Mary Williams Shoemaker Fund to support hybrid meetings and meeting outreach. A portion of the grant provides $13,000 as financial support to PYM’s quarterly meetings. Each of PYM’s 13 quarterly meetings is eligible to apply for a $1000 grant. Quarterly and monthly meetings do excellent work that taps into Friends’ talents and meetings’ needs, so it is a pleasure to be able to support them through this Shoemaker funding. [Read more…] about Grants for Quarterly Meetings – With Thanks to the Shoemaker Fund