“Intolerance festers and metastasizes in darkness and silence: it depends and feeds upon apathy and indifference. Each of us can play a part in preventing that from happening.”
— Dave Austin, Clerk, Haddonfield Friends Meeting
iPad Grant Enriches Residents’ Lives
The past couple of years revealed the importance of connecting with others to reduce social isolation. A report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) noted that more than one third of adults over 45 feel lonely and nearly one quarter of adults over 65 are thought to experience social isolation. Staff in long term care communities began using technology such as teaching residents how to utilize items such as an iPad which brought opportunities for residents to connect with friends and family
2022 Spring Continuing Sessions Minutes
Held by Zoom video conference [Read more…] about 2022 Spring Continuing Sessions Minutes
Together: Intergenerational Sundays
On Sunday of Spring 2022 Continuing Sessions weekend, local meetings were encouraged to “create your own” intergenerational gathering of Friends. Shared here are stories from meetings who created time for togetherness. Other meetings are planning future programs, and we would love to keep hearing and sharing those stories! [Read more…] about Together: Intergenerational Sundays
Approved Policy on Advocacy
Administrative Council, after months of research and listening, approved a Policy on Advocacy in our yearly meeting which encourages Friends to follow their individual leadings and also articulates the limitations of a religion under the law. This story shares the policy and offers context and examples.
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Christian Leaders Send Open Letter to Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill
General Secretary, Christie Duncan-Tessmer, in consultation with Presiding Co-Clerks, Jean-Marie Prestwidge Barch and Frank Barch, joined over 100 Christian leaders of the governing board of the National Council of Churches in Christ in signing an open letter to Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill, asking him to speak out against his country’s invasion of Ukraine.
The letter, sent to Kirill today, March 11, laments the “tragic and terrible loss of innocent civilian life” and includes an “earnest plea that you use your voice and profound influence to call for an end to the hostilities and war in Ukraine and intervene with authorities in your nation to do so.” [Read more…] about Christian Leaders Send Open Letter to Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill
Resource Friends Offer Tech Support to Meetings
Resource Friends help our community thrive by providing support in specific areas of concern in our monthly and quarterly meetings. These are Friends who offer a diversity of gifts and extensive “how-to” knowledge. [Read more…] about Resource Friends Offer Tech Support to Meetings
“Together” Sunday of Spring Sessions
On Sunday of Spring Continuing Sessions weekend, we encourage meetings to “create your own” intergenerational gathering of Friends. While the pandemic has opened the possibility to join together from across the PYM region without travel, which we’ll do on Saturday online, our local meetings are where we gather most often across generations for fellowship, worship, learning, and business. Let’s continue the energy of being together at Sessions in the time after worship on Sunday morning, March 27. Shared here are resources and suggestions to plan simple opportunities for togetherness!
Religious Education Resources for March & April 2022
A parent in my meeting shared with me that they were not sure how to talk to their children about Russia’s war on Ukraine. I recalled a line in an article that had resonated for me as a parent and educator: We don’t have to protect children from difficult feelings, but we must not leave them alone with them. The Tote Bag newsletter for March/April has many resources and events to share with meetings and families, but these ideas for supporting one another and talking about ways to create peace are perhaps the most important. [Read more…] about Religious Education Resources for March & April 2022
Statement Against Expression of Racism in Our Country
February, Black History Month, began with threats of bombing directed to Historic Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU). The month ended with the bombings in the Ukraine. Friends believe that there is that of God in everyone. We deplore this violence. The following statement was crafted by PYM’s clerks group in February with the intention of publishing it that month. Staff transitions and the war in Ukraine interrupted and delayed that intention.
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