The Friends Counseling Service (FCS) is a program of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM) that offers members and regular attenders professional counseling by licensed Quaker mental health professionals at a discounted rate. In times of stress and uncertainty, counseling can be a source of strength and support. [Read more…] about Friends Counseling Service: A Source of Support in Difficult Times
Quaker Families Continue To Build Community
Families from around Philadelphia Yearly Meeting gathered on February 22–23 at Camp Onas in Ottsville, PA, for PYM’s annual Winter Family Overnight! The weekend provided a chance for Quaker families to connect, build community, and step away from the busyness of everyday life. [Read more…] about Quaker Families Continue To Build Community
Join PYM Connect Today!
PYM Connect is a space for Friends to come together, exchange ideas, and support one another. Join now and be part of a growing community where ministries in Philadelphia Yearly Meeting take shape and meetings collaborate. While the platform is still developing, it’s available now because the need is real. If something isn’t working as expected, kindness and feedback will help make it better for everyone. [Read more…] about Join PYM Connect Today!
World Gathering of Young Friends 1985 | Invitation
Hello Friends!
Did you or anyone you know go to the World Gathering of Young Friends, held at Guildford College, Greensboro, North Carolina, in 1985? Did you help designate a representative, help host, give funds and support? If so, please know that you are all invited to the 40th anniversary of this event to be celebrated June 17th 2025 both in person at Guildford College as well as online!
If you are a past-participant of WGYF’85, please contact past-participant Sarah Blackburn Kehoe via Cecilia Filauro in the PYM office.
Thank you!
Thank you to all for spreading the word and celebrating our global Quaker community.
Minute of Support from St. Petersburg Monthly Meeting
Dear friends at Philadelphia Yearly Meeting,
At our Meeting for Business on March 2nd, we recorded the following minute of support:
St. Petersburg Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends is united in our support for the plaintiffs in the lawsuit, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends et al v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security et al.
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Minute of Support from Kennett Monthly Meeting
Kennett Friends Meeting offers support, encouragement, gratitude, and Light to Philadelphia Yearly Meeting for its lawsuit: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends et al. v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Kristi Noem.
We appreciate the swift response of the General Secretary, Clerks and committee members who acted with purpose, clarity, courage, and conviction in making this happen. Kennett Friends are in unity with PYM and can affirm that you have acted on our behalf. Houses of worship are sacred spaces and are not subject to capricious actions resulting from changes in government.
With deep appreciation and support,
Kennett Friends Meeting
Respectfully submitted by
Barbara Harrison McPherson. Recording clerk
Minute of Support from Haverford Monthly Meeting
Haverford Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends has been welcoming Quakers and non-Quakers to its Meetings for Worship since before our Meetinghouse was built in 1834. The result of such a welcoming approach has consistently been spiritual deepening in our religious community. Haverford Monthly Meeting strongly supports Philadelphia Yearly Meeting along with Baltimore, New York, and New England Yearly Meetings in pursuing the lawsuit against the United States Department of Homeland Security regarding the deployment of enforcement agents in houses of worship.
Submitted to Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
By Clerk Dick Lytton
March 11, 2025
Minute of Support from Westtown Monthly Meeting
Westtown Monthly Meeting held a meeting for worship with attention to business on February 16, 2025. At that time members and attenders present were clear to send the following Minute of Support to Philadelphia Yearly Meeting.
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Minute of Support from Southampton Monthly Meeting
Southampton Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends met on February 9th at 9:00am to discern a path forward, “in unity”, regarding recent changes in our country’s immigration and enforcement policies. We are clear in our support of those among us who are committed to answering that of God within them to help forge a better life here in the United States for both themselves and those in the greater community. We are equally clear in our support for Philadelphia Yearly Meetings’ actions in response to recent immigration enforcement changes.
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A Milestone in Our Commitment to Climate Change
The yearly meeting is dedicated to addressing climate change, acknowledging the urgency of this global crisis and our responsibility as a faith community to take action. As people of faith, seekers of truth, and stewards of Creation, we must take decisive steps to prevent further suffering and the destruction of our planet. Our spiritual values urge us to care for the Earth and its inhabitants, ensuring that future generations inherit a healthy, thriving, and sustainable world.
We aim to inspire and mobilize everyone involved with PYM to embrace this calling and actively work toward stopping the destruction of life on our sacred Earth. This is not merely an environmental issue but a moral and spiritual imperative that demands collective commitment, thoughtful action, and a willingness to challenge existing systems contributing to climate degradation.
Today, we celebrate a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts: officially signing a contract with The Stone House Group, engaging them as a consulting firm to assess our carbon footprint across all aspects of our operations, gatherings, and facilities. This partnership represents a crucial step in understanding the full impact of our activities on the environment and developing a clear, actionable strategy for reducing or eliminating our carbon emissions. The Stone House Group will provide expert guidance, data-driven insights, and practical recommendations to help us align our practices with our values of environmental stewardship.
This achievement is the result of dedicated efforts that began last year. A senior staff member drafted a Request for Proposal (RFP) to identify a qualified firm for this essential work. The finance office and climate change stewards reviewed the draft to ensure it aligned with our testimonies, climate commitments, and financial responsibilities. After researching potential firms, we sent the RFP to nine candidates. We received five proposals from this process, each offering unique perspectives and strategies for helping us achieve our climate goals.
The proposals underwent a review process to ensure a well-rounded and informed decision. They were evaluated internally and shared with stewards and other qualified individuals for additional feedback. A senior staff member then compiled the insights gathered from these reviews and submitted a formal recommendation to the General Secretary, who made the final selection.
This marks a significant step forward in our commitment to climate action, but it is just the beginning. As we move forward with The Stone House Group’s evaluation, we must remain engaged, proactive, and open to transformative change. Together, we will continue working toward a more sustainable future, grounded in faith, truth, and responsibility to our planet and all who depend on it.