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New Assistant Controller Joins PYM Finance Department
PYM welcomes Albert DeGregorio as our newest staff member! Al joins PYM’s finance department in the role of Assistant Controller. [Read more…] about New Assistant Controller Joins PYM Finance Department
Concord Quarter Working Group Offers Resources and Support for Aging Friends
Concord Quarterly Meeting of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting consists of 8 Meetings: Birmingham, Concord, Goshen, Middletown, West Chester, Westtown, Willistown and Wilmington. Included in Concord’s October 2016 newsletter was an article authored by Pam Leland, the executive director of The Hickman who wrote about the New York Yearly Meeting program – ARCH (Aging, Resources, Consultation, Help). The article inspired members of Concord Quarterly Meeting to create their own group meeting around mutual interest in aging issues. The initial group of 11 began meeting in May of 2017. By June of 2017, the group was led by their first Clerk, Rich Ailes and officially became known as the Concord Quarter Working Group on Aging. [Read more…] about Concord Quarter Working Group Offers Resources and Support for Aging Friends
FGC’s ‘The Gathering’ Comes to Philadelphia
The Gathering is coming to Haverford College! This is the first time since Friends General Conference began in 1900 that it is being held in the immediate Philadelphia area! This is your first invitation to be part of “a great people to be gathered”, June 30-July 6, 2024! [Read more…] about FGC’s ‘The Gathering’ Comes to Philadelphia
Ramallah Friends School Christmas Song
A message from Plymouth Meeting
During Eleventh Month Business Meeting, our Monthly Meeting united in sending in a letter conveying our love and concern for Ramallah Friends Meeting, Friends School and all people of Palestine during this time of violence against the people of Palestine and Israel that has escalated to war in Gaza and continual random violence in the rest of Palestine and Israel. The letters and reply can be found on our website. [Read more…] about Ramallah Friends School Christmas Song
Westtown Monthly Meeting Statement on the Shooting of Palestinian Students
November 27, 2023
Westtown Monthly Meeting is holding in the Light Hisham Awartani, Kinnan Abdel Hamid, and Tahseen Ahmed – the three Palestinian students who were the victims of a senseless gun attack in Burlington, Vermont, the evening of November 25, 2023. [Read more…] about Westtown Monthly Meeting Statement on the Shooting of Palestinian Students
Tuition Aid for Quaker Children in PYM Friends Schools
The Yearly Meeting’s Quaker Education Granting Group reminds meetings and families that local meeting members’ children who are applying to or attending Friends schools are eligible to apply for educational support for the 2024-25 school year. Funding for all grants comes from the National Friends Education Fund and Philadelphia Yearly Meeting endowment income from the Jonathan Rhoads Fund and other PYM education endowments. [Read more…] about Tuition Aid for Quaker Children in PYM Friends Schools
Gest Fellowship at Haverford College Libraries
Quaker & Special Collections at Haverford College is now accepting applications for its 2024-2025 short-term fellowship programs. [Read more…] about Gest Fellowship at Haverford College Libraries
Friends of Barnegat Monthly Meeting Send Holiday Cards and Share Cheer
It’s a holiday tradition for members and guests of Barnegat Monthly Meeting of Friends to write messages on greeting cards. [Read more…] about Friends of Barnegat Monthly Meeting Send Holiday Cards and Share Cheer
PYM Statement on the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28)
The Religious Society of Friends witnesses to the truth of our times. In this moment, we recognize that we are facing an existential crisis that requires a response greater than individual actions. The systemic structures as well as the daily choices of peoples, governments and faith communities across the globe must act in radical concert to address the climate catastrophe we have created. [Read more…] about PYM Statement on the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28)