We are thrilled to welcome Joe Kirkenir as Director of Development (pictured left) and Daniel Doan as Middle School Co-Facilitator (pictured right). We are excited for the experience and dedication they will bring to their roles within PYM.
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PYM Connect Launches Next Phase in Second Week of January
Next week, PYM Connect reaches a new phase as many Friends will start engaging with this online space for the first time. It is a chance for our community to use the platform to share, collaborate, and celebrate among Friends. [Read more…] about PYM Connect Launches Next Phase in Second Week of January
Program & Religious Life | A Year in Review
Hello Friends,
How has spirit moved among us in 2024? As we, the staff of PYM’s Program and Religious Life Department, reflect on this question, we have many joyful tidings to share.
The Big Picture
This year we saw many examples on how being a part of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting community gives Friends a place to share their gifts and ask for support in times of need. This flow of sharing and receiving is a core part of what it means to be “part of the body.” Our PYM programs create spaces of joy, learning, spiritual nurture, and concrete resources. And none of it would be possible without Friends like you sharing their gifts, showing up, participating, and building community together. Thank you!
Read on to hear more about the programs and events we’re proud of this year.
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New Case Management Services for PYM Friends
A new resource is available for Friends in our yearly meeting!
Thanks to a generous grant, members and regular attenders of PYM are eligible to receive up to 10 hours of professional case management services with an outside agency, Living Care Home Services (LCHS). LCHS, though based in Pennsylvania, serves the entire PYM region.
Case management can connect Friends with long term care, health care referrals, mental health resources, debt management and debt consolidation counseling, support with housing, help applying for social services, and help securing in-home care.
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Selden Smith’s Call to Serve as Rising Clerk
Selden Smith has been a part of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting community for his whole life, bringing care, humor, and dedication to his work among Friends. Selden shared his reflections on his journey with Quakerism, his unexpected call to serve as Rising Clerk, and his hopes for the future of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. He highlights the importance of recognizing the gifts and talents within our community—both in ourselves and in others—and how these contributions sustain and strengthen the work we share as Friends.
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December 2024 | Joint Council Update
The three councils that guide Philadelphia Yearly Meeting—Quaker Life Council, Administrative Council, and Nominating Council—recently gathered for their second meeting in a newly adopted joint format. In this structure, the councils come together as one Joint Council to worship, discern, and conduct business collaboratively. in an article written about this experiment this summer, this practice ensures that the Joint Council can promptly share its minutes with the PYM community after the meeting.
Fellowships at Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections 2025-2026
Applications for short-term Fellowships in Quaker & Special Collections at Haverford College are NOW OPEN! Fellowships must be used between July 1, 2025 and June 30, 2026. Submission deadline is February 16, 2025. You can find more information on our website, which also includes our application form.
Fellows can utilize the vast array of original primary materials in Quaker & Special Collections around Quakerism, mental health, US history, and much more.
Please contact Sarah Horowitz at shorowitz@haverford.edu with any questions.
Image is of the diaries of Anna Spencer.
PYM Middle East Collaborative Endorses Apartheid-Free Pledge
In Spring 2023 the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) launched an initiative to have faith and secular communities pledge to be Apartheid-Free. With a goal of connecting like minded communities around issues of freedom from racism, discrimination, domination, and oppression, AFSC reached out to both US and international congregations and organizations. Specifically, AFSC’s framing of apartheid is taking up the current example of Palestinian freedom, justice, and equality in the face of ongoing oppression, violation of human rights, and legal and social discrimination.
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Strengthening Connections Across Philadelphia Yearly Meeting | PYM Connect
During Fall Continuing Sessions, Christie Duncan-Tessner, General Secretary, and Claire Kinnel, Community Engagement Coordinator, Had the opportunity to present on PYM Connect. This online community platform, set to launch in January 2025. PYM Connect is designed to support a more interconnected yearly meeting. Built as a secure, supportive space, PYM Connect will offer Friends a way to engage and share resources with one another across shared ministries and leadings.
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Children in Community: A PYM Family Gathering
Joy, laughter, and creativity filled the air as Friends of all ages gathered at Kennett Friends Meeting for an unforgettable PYM Family Meetup on December 7th! The day was filled with meaningful connection and fun activities for both children and adults.
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