On April 19, 2021 Mullica Hill business meeting approved a new membership category for long distance attender/members within their community: Affiliate Membership. Philadelphia Yearly Meeting’s Faith and Practice specifies that “the monthly meeting is the final authority in all matters concerning membership, and all membership occurs in the monthly meeting.” As a faith of continuing revelation, Friends can and do review and alter their practices over time to meet current needs, as is exemplified in Mullica Hill’s decision.
Minute on Affiliate Membership at Mullica Hill Friends Meeting
Affiliate Membership at Mullica Hill Friends Meeting is a way for persons living at a geographical distance from our Meeting to remain or become formally associated with the Meeting. If a member moves away and no longer resides in our normal geographical area, but wishes to continue connection to Mullica Hill Friends Meeting, even as they may pursue formal membership in another meeting or congregation, Affiliate Membership is a means to stay connected.
This level of membership is intended to acknowledge and maintain ties of spiritual support and connection to Mullica Hill Friends Meeting; the Affiliate Member level is not meant to replace or discourage anyone from requesting or maintaining full membership while living at a distance.
Affiliate Members are valued members of our Meeting, and are encouraged to participate often and to the fullest degree possible in the spiritual life and business of the meeting. In contrast to full membership, the Affiliate Member is not eligible to serve on the Trustees, Finance, Care & Council, or Nominating committees.
Submitted by Lois Dinshah
Mullica Hill Meeting
Salem Quarter
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash