Unami Meeting approved the following minute of support at a called meeting.
Minute of Support for Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
Unami Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends fully supports Philadelphia Yearly Meeting for the courage and conviction shown in joining New England Yearly Meeting, Baltimore Yearly Meeting, Aldephi and Richmond Monthly Meetings as plaintiffs in bringing a lawsuit to block the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from its abrupt shift in policy that enables federal immigration enforcement officials to enter houses of worship for their immigration enforcement actions. We appreciate the swift response of the General Secretary, Clerks and committee members who acted with purpose and clarity in making this happen. Unami is in unity with PYM and can affirm that you have acted on our behalf. We believe that houses of worship are sacred spaces and not a place where, “criminal aliens go to hide.” We fully endorse PYM’s position that the Court should “declare unconstitutional any policy permitting government agents to carry out immigration enforcement at or near houses of worship when the policy is limited only by individual agents’ subjective ‘common sense,’ vacate the 2025 Policy, and enjoin DHS and its constituent agencies from implementing or enforcing the policy.”
With deep appreciation and support,
Unami Monthly Meeting
Nancy Donnelly, clerk