We, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Middle East Collaborative, have approved the following endorsement of the Apartheid-Free Pledge | January 5, 2025
Our Commitment to Freedom, Justice and Equality for the Palestinian People and All People;
All Forms of Racism, Bigotry, Discrimination and Oppression; And
Ourselves an Apartheid-Free Community and To That End,
To Join Others in Working to End All Support to Israel’s Apartheid Regime, Settler Colonialism, and Military OccupationWe, the Middle East Collaborative of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, endorse the Apartheid-Free pledge understanding that it is grounded in nonviolent activism and that we are seeking freedom, justice, and equality for the Palestinian and Israeli peoples, and all peoples.
Additionally, we wish to affirm that we support the Jerusalem Declaration on Anti-Semitism which notes that it is anti-Semitic to deny “the right of Jews in the State of Israel to exist and flourish, collectively and individually, as Jews, in accordance with the principle of equality”
We further affirm our unity with the Jerusalem Declaration in stating that it is not anti-Semitic on its face to criticize or oppose “Zionism as a form of nationalism, or arguing for a variety of constitutional arrangements for Jews and Palestinians… It is not anti-Semitic to support arrangements that accord full equality to all inhabitants… whether in two states, a bi-national state, unitary democratic state, federal state, or in whatever form.”