The Middle East Collaborative is a group of PYM Friends with a special concern for the Middle East. Some members of the collaborative have lived or travelled in the Middle East. Others have not but share a concern for the peoples of the region. The Collaborative has sponsored workshops at PYM sessions, endorsed humanitarian initiatives, and offered advice to PYM leadership. We are attentive to the work of Friends related to the region, including that of the American Friends Service Committee, the Friends Committee on National Legislation, Ramallah Friends Schools, and Ramallah Monthly Meeting. We seek to support Friends’ work as way opens for us. The Collaborative meets semi-monthly throughout the year and welcomes participation by all concerned Friends.
To find out more contact Sandy Rea drsandyrea@hotmail.com
Welcome to this Collaborative
To support and help nurture the Quaker community and Quaker institutions in the Middle East. To highlight issues and concerns relating to the Middle East for PYM Friends. To facilitate outreach and build connections to other individuals, groups, and institutions in the Philadelphia region and the Middle East with shared concerns and interests.
What We Do
Host educational events on current issues and concerns relating to the Middle East, and provide resources on ways to get involved.
Who We Are
Friends in the Philadelphia area who have interest, concerns, connections, and/or experience in the Middle East.
When We Meet
First First Day of January, March, May, and November, with more flexibility in the summer, at the Meetings of different members of the group. Friends are invited to attend Meeting for Worship, followed by the meeting of the Middle East Collaborative group.
Get Involved
The Middle East Collaborative invites you to attend the next group meeting to learn more about our current activities and opportunities for engagement. Please check the PYM calendar for events.