Dear Friends,
It is with very mixed emotions that I share the news with you that Chris Lucca has asked to be released from service as Presiding Clerk for Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. In recent months, Chris has struggled to balance health concerns, family issues, and his responsibilities to the yearly meeting. It has become clear to him that he needs to prioritize his physical well-being and focus his attention on caring for his family.
Chris has devoted tremendous time and energy to the yearly meeting. He has brought welcome organization and data management skills, an openness to learning and growth, a keen sense of humor, and deep faithfulness to both clerking and the leadership team. Hopefully over the next few months Chris will be able to focus his energy on taking care of himself and his family. I will miss his participation at leadership meetings and Sessions, but I fully support the decision he has made.
The leadership team has learned to be prepared for events just like this. The Presiding Clerk, Alternate Clerk, Administrative Council Clerk, Quaker Life Council Clerk, Nominating Council Clerk, Treasurer, and General Secretary meet monthly to worship, communicate, and coordinate. We’re currently completing our preparations for March Continuing Sessions and well into the planning for Annual Sessions. We’ll make sure that your minutes and messages are addressed in a timely fashion. If you need anything from any member of the leadership team, please feel free to reach out to us.
I will be holding Chris in the light as he moves toward healing and wellness.
In peace,
Melissa Rycroft, Nominating Council, clerk