Our Friends who attended the Spiritual Formation retreat shared closing queries and a sense that they want to carry the spirit of the experience into the future of Sessions and the yearly meeting. Spirit is what we are all about.
Valerie Brown, our featured afternoon workshop presenter, shared a YouTube video from Aborigine culture about Dadirri – an indigenous approach to healing trauma by deep listening, a spiritual skill based on inner quiet, waiting and deep respect for the other.
We collected the closing queries and share them with you here:
- What am I doing with the Light I have been given?
- How can I/we enable the Presence in the midst at Sessions?
- What are the first actions of Love and Trust I am willing to manifest?
We all bring our histories to our worship, we also bring the wide open spaces we see. And when we find God in them we connect with love. As Phil Anthony, Chestnut Hill Meeting, sums it up “(Our retreat) was a vessel in which the spirit could move us, and the fact that we came together (during this time) mattered.”
Photos courtesy of John Marquette