Last summer, PYM created a series of zoom video interviews with members of our community. The videos were part of our addressing racism plenary. These videos are a snapshot in time, and they are a reminder that spoken truth from individuals shape our faith as Friends.
A list of resources were created in July 2020, and since then, the Addressing Racism Collaborative has deepened that work.
We republish the 2020 Annual Sessions list here:
Plenary Session on Addressing Racism
The video project was supported by a grant from the D’Olier Foundation.
- Interview with .O
- Interview with Ayesha Imani
- Interview with Dwight Dunston
- Interview with Sophia Burns
- Interview with Oskar Castro
- Interview with Vanessa Julye
- Interview with Ellen Morfei
- Panel Discussion
- Addressing Racism Ground Rules (.pdf)
- Addressing Racism Minute – Establishing the Yearly Meeting Wide Witness (.pdf)
- Fellowship of Friends of African Descent 2016 Minute (.pdf)
- Poor People’s Campaign Endorsements (.pdf)
- We Won’t Stop Until We Dismantle the Whole Racist System
- A Quaker call to defund the police
- Virtual Opportunities for People of Color
- Becoming an Anti-Racist Faith Community
- The Outgoing Epistle of the 2020 Virtual Pre-Gathering of Friends of Color and their Families
- Vital Friends: Responding to Systemic Racism with Systemic Love
- Institutional Assessment on Systemic Racism Task Force: Recommendations & FGC Central Committee 2018 Discernment