Care for the needs of older PYM Friends!
Recently Greenleaf Granting found joy and fulfillment! Here’s how:
- We are working to streamline the meeting process and working together to accomplish this has been rewarding.
This is a current or upcoming project or interesting thing the group is working on:
- New ways of evaluating applications.
People who participate in this group can learn and grow in this way:
- How to best assist those of modest means and feel that satisfaction.
This group functions at its best when there are people serving on it who have these skills or experiences:
- It is helpful to have members with financial or legal or social services background.
The realistic time commitment of members of this group includes:
- Meeting four times a year, 2 meeting of 3 hours and 2 meetings with half that time.
- Ideal preparation time is 4 hours for each meeting.
- Members of granting groups are appointed by the Granting Committee and must be a member of a meeting.
- Ideally, the Greenleaf granting group has eight to ten members and currently has a sufficient number.
What We Do
The Greenleaf Granting Group provides aid to elderly Quakers and those in sympathy with Quakers for housing needs and ongoing costs. The group’s decisions are guided by the Greenleaf Guidelines and the Greenleaf Values Statement.
Individuals who are 62 years of age or older can apply. The fund does not make grants to organizations.The Greenleaf Fund provides grants and loans to elderly Quakers, and those in sympathy with Quakers, who are of modest means and in need of assistance to meet their housing needs and other costs of living. There are two deadlines every year, on May 1 and November 1.
Who We Are
Members of the Greenleaf Granting Group are appointed by the PYM Granting Committee.
Current members:
- Meg Barney, Recording Clerk (Providence MM / Chester QM)
- Lucy Beard (Moorestown MM /Haddonfield QM)
- Haley Driscoll (Moorestown MM / Haddonfield QM)
- Ventina Hershey (Mount Holly MM / Burlington QM)
- SueLynne Ganbari (Media MM / Chester QM)
- Christopher McKenney (Birmingham MM / Concord QM)
- Fred Melroy, Clerk (Medford MM / Haddonfield QM)
How To Apply
We are accepting applications by email at Grants@PYM.org. We continue to accept paper copies, but it may take a week or more for us to be able to confirm receipt as most staff are working from home. In lieu of applicant, preparer, and clerk signatures, we will accept emailed confirmations at Grants@PYM.org.
Consult the Greenleaf Granting Group Guidelines [PDF] for application details.
Applicants must complete the Application Form [PDF] and Financial Form [PDF] , including all relevant financial information, and provide the requested attachments.
Awards are made as grants. Applications are considered according to the following priorities:
- Quakers who are members of Monthly Meetings in Haddonfield Quarterly Meeting;
- Quakers who are members* of another Monthly Meeting of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting;
- Those who are in sympathy with Friends and live in the geographic area defined by Haddonfield Quarterly Meeting;
- Those who are in sympathy with Friends and live in the geographic area defined by Philadelphia Yearly Meeting.

Greenleaf Fund – Established from the funds of the former Greenleaf Boarding Home to maintain the values that guided that organization: caring, compassion, confidentiality, and respect for all residents of the home.