Available below are guidelines and application forms for PYM’s granting groups, and a list of frequently asked questions about the application process. Some groups have only a form, some groups have only a set of guidelines to follow; other groups have both, to be used in conjunction. Always read the group’s guidelines first!
All files are presented as PDFs, and can be viewed online in most web browsers, and should be downloaded to your computer or mobile device before entering any information in them. If you open the form as another page in your web browser, you may not be able to save the information you entered. Many of the forms, but not all, can be filled out electronically; some that can be filled out electronically must still be submitted in hard copy — check the guidelines of the granting group to which you are applying to be sure you understand the application instructions.
For general questions, correspondence, or inquiries, or to notify us of any errors on this page, write to Grants@pym.org. For questions about specific guidelines or forms, write to the main contact for each respective Granting Group, which is listed on their guidelines and/or on each Granting Group page. The main grants page lists all the PYM Granting Groups
Application Forms & Guidelines
Multiple Groups
Several PYM Granting Groups, but not all, accept the Common Form as part of their application process; each Granting Group’s guidelines will state what application forms, if any, that they accept.
Please note the the Common Form contains four separate financial forms, each for a different type of organization; every applicant should fill out the one form that best fits their organization.
Aging Assistance Granting Group
- Aging Assistance Granting Group Guidelines & Forms [PDF] (combined document)
Anna T Jeanes Cremation Fund
Education – Post Secondary Tuition Assistance
Education – Tuition Assistance For Friends Children in PYM Friends Schools
- Download forms from the Friends Education Fund website
Emergency Fund
Fund For Sufferings
Greenleaf Granting Group
- Greenleaf Granting Group Guidelines [PDF]
- Greenleaf Application Form [PDF]
- Greenleaf Values Statement [PDF]
n.b. – As of April 2020, Greenleaf has consolidated its application forms down to one form for all applicants; there is no longer a separate set of financial forms — those were incorporated into the application form.
Quaker Fund for Indigenous Communities Guidelines
Membership Development Support Fund
Quaker Buildings & Programs Granting Group
- Quaker Buildings & Programs Guidelines [PDF]
- In addition to the Guidelines, download a copy of the Quaker Grantmaker Common Form [PDF], which the Guidelines will instruct you to complete.
Travel and Witness Granting Group
Frequently Asked Questions About Our Forms & Guidelines
Why does PYM make grants for some purposes and not others?
PYM’s grants are made almost entirely from restricted funds. Our program areas reflect our donors’ restrictions.
Do the groups always follow their guidelines when considering grant applications?
Yes. Guidelines are important statements of grant scope, purpose, priorities and expectations. They are created to guide applicants in preparing proposals AND to guide granting groups in reaching their decisions.
How do I find out whether the guidelines I have are current?
Most PYM granting groups post their current guidelines on this website; if there is are guidelines available on this page, those are the most recent guidelines for that group. Changes occur frequently, including deadlines, grants scope and application requirements. The most recent revision date appears in the footer of each set of guidelines.
Can individuals apply?
Yes, to some Granting Groups but not to all. Sixty percent of PYM’s grants are made to individuals – for religious service, travel and witness, to support those who suffer financially as a result of war tax resistance, and to assist members, especially aging Friends, in financial need.
Can organizations apply?
Yes, to some Granting Groups but not to all. Quaker Meetings, schools, retirement communities and libraries are most often eligible. Native American groups may apply to Indian Committee. Other organizations may not apply, unless specifically invited by a granting group to make application for purposes that align with a donors’ requirements or allowed by a Granting Group’s guidelines.
Can I apply via e-mail?
Yes, to some Granting Groups but not to all. Many groups including Travel & Witness and Membership Development require or accept electronic applications. Some also require a signed paper copy of all electronic submissions. Several groups require hard copies and do not accept electronic applications. Check the current guidelines to be sure your application meets the granting group’s requirements.
Can I apply for more than one grant at a time?
You may apply to several different sources for a single project or need when the amount needed exceeds the capacity of a single granting group. Be sure to tell all groups what you have requested from other sources. If there is no overlapping request, demonstrate that that is the case.
May I re-apply to the same granting group?
Yes, to some Granting Groups but not to all. Check the group’s guidelines. Some granting groups limit the frequency of application – for instance, once per fiscal year, or once every three years. Once you have received a grant for which a report is required, you will not normally be eligible to apply again until a satisfactory report has been received.
Some guidelines mention a “site visit.” What is a “site visit”?
Some PYM granting groups send members to visit applicants, in order to better understand the projects and the people involved, and the nature of each organization’s decision-making and engagement in the work. When you apply for a grant, if you are contacted to set up a site visit, try to give site visitors an opportunity to see your normal operations and relevant locations, and to meet board, committee and staff members, if any, who will carry out the project. PYM groups that make site visits normally do so before grant decisions are made. Occasionally follow-up visits are made to assess the impact that the grant has had on the organization and the people it serves.
What is the difference between ‘budget’ and ‘actual’ financial figures?
Budget figures are projected, an educated guess about anticipated income and expense. Actual figures are the real income amounts received, and the expenses incurred during a specific period or for a specific project in the past. Multi-year financial reports and budgets often compare budget and actual figures.